Chapter 65 - Preparations

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"You are taking all of them Venom, I mean it." I rasp out harshly.

"Yes, I will get them all packing as soon as I leave." She sighs out shaking her head at me.

My chest hurts my head is thumping against my skull, it's making me dizzy but this is too important, we need everyone safe.

"I can have some of my men escort you all if you need it?" Teddy says from the end of my bed.

"Thanks for the offer but I think it's best for the girls safety if no one knows where we are going." Venom replies, thank god she thinks the same as I do. The last thing we need is someone inadvertently putting them in danger, they are all enough trouble as it is.

"Riley, you need to watch over Price more than ever, Xander will try and kill him."

"The captain can handle himself." He retorts back as he slumps in his chair.

"I know he can." I sigh, my frustration is making my head worse. "But you don't understand Xander, this isn't normal warfare. He bribes, plots, schemes he'll do anything he can."

"Ghost will watch over him Coyote don't panic yourself." Venom cuts in putting her hand on my leg.

Riley just nods, always silent when he doesn't know what to say. He doesn't understand this place, doesn't know what these men are capable of, I can't protect everyone at all times and it makes me sick to my stomach.

God my head hurts, the thumping is getting worse, my vision is going blurry.

"Why don't you lay down Coyote, you need to rest." Teddy adds in, clearly noticing my distress.

"I'll go an organize the girls, one less thing to worry you." Venom nods as she leaves the room.

"How's she doing?" I hear Johns voice and look over to see his outline in the door.

"John." I gasp but instantly wince in pain as all the air leaves my lungs. I moved too quickly and now my ribs are killing me.

"You gave us quiet a scare." John says moving into the room and closer to me. His voice is different he's talking in his serious captains tone.

"John? What's going on?" I blink trying to adjust on his face and stop my head from spinning.

"I'm afraid my presence has made your captain uncomfortable." Teddys responds.
"Now that I see you're alright, I have some plans to attend to." He taps my foot twice before he leaves, Riley silently leaving with him.

"John it's okay he kn..." The second I look over towards him, his lips are on mine.

"Don't do that to me again." He whispers it as an order onto my lips before he's back to kissing me again, making me forget all the pain I'm feeling and focus only on his.
"I thought I'd lost you."

"You won't lose me." This is the first time we've been alone since I came to.

"I can't, lose you. I'm not strong enough for that." His words dig themselves deeply into my chest as he rests his head in the crook of my neck.

"Oh John, my love." I reach my hand up placing it on his head.
"Listen to me, I will go to the ends of the earth for you. As long as you exist in this world then so do I. But if you die then I die." His hands tighten on me as I speak, getting more and more distressed just thinking about it. So am I.

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