Chapter 10 - Liquid Courage

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(Songs for this chapter -
Weakness - ALICE IVY & SYCCO
Saturday Nights - KHALID)


"Don't cause trouble and keep a low profile." I state to Gaz as we walk into the Blue Lemon.

"Yes sir." He responds. I can tell he's excited.

"Drop the sir, just Price." He nods to my additional command.

The place is quieter, we've come a bit earlier than i normally do. I wanted to see her for longer than few minutes. Chloe is on stage singing, she looks at me and subtly nods her head towards the other side of the club. I smile and nod back at her. Gaz is staring at Chloe starstruck.

"Find us a seat and behave or i won't bring you again."

"Y-yes." He stutters as i head in the direction Chloe pointed to.

I get half way across the place when i see her delivering drinks to some booths in the corner.

"Jesus fucking christ." I breathe it out loud.

She is absolutely breathtaking. Her hair is out and done up, she has makeup on. In boots, tight shorts and stockings, my pants feel a little tighter. But the thing that really makes me yearn for her is that she's smiling, singing and even dancing a little. The real her is doing all of it, she looks so stunning and sexy. Happiness is radiating out of her, she lights up the whole place.

I watch her shuffle back to the bar still singing, while she's waiting for more drinks to be made she swallows a shot of something. I chuckle at her, nothing like a bit of liquid courage to bring you out of your shell. She is about to take another tray of drinks when she sees me staring at her. Her smile gets even bigger and she waves as she raises her shoulders in excitement. So beautiful. She pushes off the bar and does a twirl for me, wanting to know if i like how she looks.

"Oh yeah." I say nodding as I stare at her disrespectfully. Even though she can't hear me from there she'll know exactly what i said.

She walks towards me still smiling, her gorgeous eyes gazing straight through me. My heart is pounding. She reaches out and wraps her arms around my neck. My mind is in shock, my heart is out of my body but my arms are wrapping themselves around her waist before i have time to stop myself.

"Hey handsome, you're here early." She says excitedly into my ear, making my jaw clench and my grip on her unwillingly tighten. She feels too good in arms, this feels too good. My entire body has goosebumps and my hands are sweating at having her irresistible waist in my grip.

"You look stunning, whats got you so happy tonight?" I say back to her. Her cinnamon and plum perfume instantly hitting my nose, it drives me mad but that doesn't stop me from taking in every second of how good she smells.

"Oh this Captain i know left a pretty cute message on my bathroom mirror." She's adorable but must have had a bit to drink if she's talking to me like this. I release her from the hug and look at her face, she seems okay other than her eyes being a little glassy. I'll watch her closely though.

"Is he a good guy or do I have to have a talk with him?" I play along with her.

"Good captain, I'm still deciding if he's a good man." She smiles up at me.

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