Chapter 37 - Swear It

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Hello my lovely readers, just wanted to say thank you to you all for putting up with my super random updates. I try and post a chapter as soon as it's done and I'm a little all over the place with my timing. Thank you so much for taking the time to read it. This story is very close to my heart and I'm excited for you all to be on this adventure with me.
(Even my silent readers, I see y'all
and love you as well)

(Songs for this chapter -
Damage -H.E.R
Can't Pretend - TOM ODELL)


She lets go of my lips, tears coming down her face. "I'm sorry, I don't know why I'm crying." She murmurs out.

"Darling you've been through so much the last few weeks and you're still coming down off all the opioids they gave you. It will take some time for you to feel more yourself again."

She nods moving in closer to me.

"Did anyone..." I don't want to say it out loud, the thought of it makes me furious but I need to know. She's looking at me waiting.

"Did anyone hurt you?" Her face shifts slightly at the tone in my voice, she knows what I'm asking her.

"No, not in that way." She shakes her head, speaking softly, looking back at me with those beautiful eyes.

"You would tell me if they did?" She nods before leaning in to rest her head on my chest, tucking herself under my chin. My chest tightening as she does, I feel like I let her down by not being there for her.

"I would kill anyone who's touched you." She puts her hand up next to her face against my chest.

"I know." Her words barely above a whisper, she's shivering.

"Would it be alright if I took you in for a warm shower gorgeous?" Keeping my voice soft for her as she nods in agreement against my chest.

I take out her IV and quickly go and turn on the shower. I pick her up keeping her close to me for warmth and so she feels protected, kicking my shoes off as I move us into the bathroom. I awkwardly open the shower door and walk us straight in.

"John we're still wearing clothes." She winces as the water hits her.

"They'll dry darling." I answer her as I sit on the shower floor, not letting her out of my arms.
"I'm a lot more concerned about you."
My hand tracing over her wet hair for comfort, she shifts in my lap moving out so her face is level with mine.

I move my hands down to the bottom of the shirt I put her in so she wasn't as exposed.
"Can I take your clothes off for you darling?"

She smiles at me. "You don't have to ask."

"Yes I do." I answer her slowly taking off her shirt being as gentle as I can, she nervously puts her hands on my shoulders looking away while I look at her bruised body.

"I want you to feel comfortable around me."

"I do."

"Then why can't you look at me."

She swallows but still doesn't return my gaze,
"Because I'm ashamed."

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