Chapter 36 - Promise

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(Songs for this chapter -
It's Been A Long Day - SPACEY JANE)


Can't say I've been into this part of Antwerp, I've done a few operations in the city and used the port more than once but the red light district is something else.

The car is dead silent, everyone is anxious, but none more than I. Tank and Blade are in the front, Ghost and I are in the back. Gaz and Soap wanted to assist of course but I wasn't about to expose them to this, especially Kyle, he would only feel more guilty.

Tank pulls up and and we all get out, my stomach is in knots, she's so close but so far. I can't express how relived I am that Ed found out where she was, Blade called me the second they knew and not even four hours later here we are.

"Sir." Blade says quietly walking next to me.
"Let Tank do all the talking, he's had dealings with these men before."

Normally I'd object but I desperately want her back and I can't exactly fight my way out of this situation. One wrong move and she's gone again or worse. Tank is also bigger than Ghost so if anyone was to intimidate them into giving her up it would be him.

"Ghost and I won't say a word." He nods back to my response, Aliya went on about how much he looks up to me but he admires her just as much if not more, it's just a little harder to see. The three of us wait by the bar while Tank goes to talk to someone across the club. We are getting looks, eyes on us wanting to see what we are doing, we stand out I know that much is obvious.

For the later afternoon it is still busy in here, the sun hasn't even gone down yet. Does the place ever close? Is she always here? Three weeks and four days since I've seen her, it feels like a life time.

I have worn out the photos she took for me, the photos she let me have. She was so adorable, half of them where of her under the covers, my sleeping embrace tightly wrapped around her. The others were of her kissing my cheek as I slept. She took some other more provocative ones but I couldn't bring myself to look at them knowing she was here.

"Gents." I hear Tanks voice behind us, he's holding up a red disc with Coyotes name on it.
"Room 8, they said she's become a bit of a nuisance so I didn't have to offer as much for her."

"What did you give them?" Ghost asks as we follow a girl up a hall lit with purple lights.

"Information, not as much as I was going to but more than I would of liked. Moose and I will deal with the problem that creates later."

I feel dazed, my heart beating out of my body. Where the fuck is room 8 i just want to see her. The girl stops next to the door and Tank moves aside, letting me be the one to open it.
"Just prepare yourself, she won't be or look like the Coyote we know."

I nod to Tank before I impatiently open the door. It wouldn't of mattered if I was prepared or not, nothing would of stopped my heart from hitting the floor. Her purple and red body hanging from the ceiling, her wrists stretched out towards each corner, feet barely touching the ground.

She lifts her head up and looks at us entering the room, I've seen those black lifeless eyes before, in the pictures on her file, she's looking straight through me.

"What's your pleasure mister?" She says in a scratched hollow voice, a tainted smirk on her face as she giggles at us. It's a evil soulless giggle that is repeatedly stabbing me in the chest.

The Captain & Coyote (John Price Romance)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora