Chapter 13 - A Good Man

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❤️ Hope you love this chapter because I do ❤️

( Songs for this chapter -
Love me more - SAM SMITH)


My head is killing me.

Between that and the light coming in the window i can barely open my eyes.

"Woman you are in trouble!" I yell as roll out of bed and walk towards the kitchen sink, i need more water than there is in the north ocean. Why does being hungover turn the brightness up to 200%.

"Chloe i need a recap now!" I yell towards her room, details are still fuzzy. "If I said anything embarrassing to Price you are dead."

I turn on the cold water and put my entire head under the tap, hair and all. Fucking hell i use to deal with hangovers so much better than this. I'm getting old.

"Nothing embarrassing that I can recall." I hear his deeply perfect, sexily seducing voice from behind me. It makes me jolt in shock, hitting my head on the tap and falling towards the floor.

Except i don't hit the floor, his hands firmly gripping my back, safely holding my body just off the ground. Oh i did not need this, i won't be able to stop imaging his hands on me, they're so big and strong. Holding me like his life depends on it, his fingers slightly dug in.

"Ouch." I say distracting my thoughts and rubbing my head, trying to adjust my vision.

"Sorry I shouldn't of come up so close and startled you." Once my vision focuses on his handsome face staring down at me, everything from last night floods back. Oh God. My cheeks feel on fire, his eyes are moving around my face he can see my embarrassment and a small smirk takes over his face.

"You stayed over." I kind of expected him to leave after i fell asleep or early in the morning. I can't believe I had the courage to even ask him.

"You asked me to." He says cheekily as he gets us both back on our feet. God my head and heart hurt, I can't tell which feels worse right now.

"Chloe isn't here. How much of last night do you remember?" His face is full of hope as he asks me, he was so sweet and charming last night. He didn't try anything while i was compromised, neither work related topics or whatever it is that's going on between us. He is such a gentleman.

"Only bits and pieces." I lie, embarrassed. He's so calm and open about everything, his feelings, intentions and actions. How can I live up to that? I see the disappointment in his face as i answer, it hurts. I shouldn't of lied to him, he doesn't deserve it.

"I'm so sorry about last night, i'm so embarrassed. You must think i'm a real muppet." I apologize as i back out of his arms and wipe the water off my face, going to the fridge to get a real drink to wash down some painkillers.

"A little impulsive maybe, but no you are definitely not a muppet." He sits down at the kitchen table, watching me swallow pills and an entire bottle of water. I look back at him a little dazed, his demeanour always gives off a sense of responsibility, like he's responsible for everyone who's around him. My eyes are wondering to his arms and chest hidden by his long sleeve shirt. I snap my vision back up to his face.

"Tea? Black only right?" I say turning to fill the jug. He turns his body to look at me more intently, a smile coming over his face.

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