Chapter 87 - Dombas

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(Songs for this chapter
Always - PANAMA


"You think she'll be there?" I ask leaning over to speak to Moose.

"Actually I do, like Ghost mentioned it's a place from her old life and remote enough that we'd never be able to find her." He says back.

"Plus he's the only person who knew about it, makes for a good hiding spot." Tank puts his two cents in from the other side of Moose.

I look to the other side of the carrier at Price, he's hunched over, checking his watch every few minutes while his foot taps constantly. He must be so anxious to see her, I really hope she's there. For his sake and hers.

"Should we have all come? What if we scare her?" I nervously ask Moose another question.

"Price didn't want to take any chances on her escaping, it'll also be good for her to see us all together. Back to a united team so to speak." He says finally opening his eyes and looking at me.

"I agree." Tank comments again without moving from his position at all.

I've never been to Norway, we didn't have to do training up here in my selection. It's freezing, and we aren't even out of the carrier. I look out at the view of the mountains up ahead.

It's a beautiful but harsh terrain, you have to be made of tough stuff to survive out here. Not that Coyote isn't of course, but I'm still worried.

The carrier slows down as we begin our descent to land. We had to take a carrier up here with some supplies for the base, and in exchange the Major said he'd see us and answer any questions. Apparently he isn't as forthcoming without first getting something himself.

And Price made sure we came with supplies a plenty. If there's even a slight chance she's here he didn't want us getting turned away.

We hit the tarmac with a thud, the wheels sliding a little before we finally come around and pull up outside a hangar.

"Right I want all of you to start unloading, while Ghost and I speak to the Major."

"Yes Cap." Gaz and Soap reply.

"Blade." He says to me as the rear door opens, He and Ghost waiting to exit.

"Yes sir?" I respond eagerly.

"Keep your eyes peeled." He says as the ice cold wind hits my face. I nod back as they both walk down the ramp. Two soldiers ready and waiting for them.

If she's here we'll find her.


"Captain Price I presume?" The soldier says as we stop in from of him.

"Yes." Is all Price says, he's not in the mood for this.

"We're here to escort you to Major Dalys office, if you'll please follow us this way." He says and Price nods.

We follow them to a building near the end of the tarmac, up the stairs and into a corridor, and they knock on the last door. Price is impatiently looking around while we wait for a response.

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