Chapter 6 - Mind Games

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(Songs for this chapter -
Just Talking - POLISH CLUB
Outta My Head - KHALID)


I nervously hesitate.

She notices and that's all it takes.


Her facade goes up, she moves away from me slightly and takes her hand off my shoulder. "Thank you Price, turns out double bruising yourself is just as painful." She makes a light joke of it. I feel like a muppet.

"Could you get me a bandage out of the bottom draw?" She asks pointing towards draws just left of her legs.

She's completed removed herself from our intimate situation. It's going to take a lot to make her drop her guard again after that. Idiot. It's not that I didn't want to kiss her, I didn't want to be dishonest. We've been playing mind games since we met and I under no circumstance, want her to think that this is simply my next move.

I open the draw and take out a bandage then stand up in front of her. "Arms up." I direct at her, trying to be cheeky and get back in her good graces.

"I can do it." She says it like I am annoying her by being attentive, she's drawn back further than I thought.

"I know you can sweetie, I just want to help you." I will have to be more adoring to win back her affections. She tilts her head, giving me a not impressed look, shit she saw straight through that.

I've dug myself into a deeper hole, if it isn't genuine this isn't going to work, that makes it a little harder.

I tilt my head down and give her an apologetic smile, my arms still out stretched hoping she will let me wrap her up. Her fierce gaze is back, but it's so much worse. I feel like she could kill me with those eyes and I'd be thanking her for it.

She pushes off the sink and moves inbetween my outstretched arms. I'm both nervous and feverish. She looks at me for a few more seconds, her powerful gaze digging it's way into my memory. Then she turns to the left, her hip brushing past my crotch as she does.

Oh she is ruthless.

She lifts up the other side of her shirt. Allowing me to wrap her bruise but heartlessly making me lust after her at the same time. I wrap her torso trying not look or touch her skin for fear of what other tactics she has, and what I might do if she uses them.

"Give me three minutes before you come out." She says to me once I've wrapped her up and she's put her shirt back down. Her voice and face mostly back to normal like she didn't just obliterate me.

I nod and watch her leave quickly closing the door behind her.

"Fucking good one John." I mumble to myself looking in the mirror. There is pictures and notes stuck the whole way around the edge. I didn't notice these before, Coyote was too distracting.
The photos are of Chloe and Coyote mostly, a few other faces I don't know. The notes are clearly from both women, the hand writing is different. They say things like

'I'm at Doe n Stag Friday & Saturday 11:30pm'
'I'll kill T if you get hurt'

'You are beautiful stop thinking you aren't'
'Alright airhead'

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