Chapter 77 - We'll Be Here

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(Songs for this chapter
6/10 - DODIE)


"Burnett." I call chasing after her, but she's either ignoring me or she can't hear me.

"Coyote wait!" I hear Johnny call from ahead of me as he begins to give chase as well.

She stops outside, not because we are calling her, her body is about to give out I can see it. She falls to the ground. Letting out the most haunting scream I've ever heard. It stops Johnny in his tracks, it even gets to me. It stung to watch how cold Price was, I can't imagine how she must feel.

I get to her in a heap on the ground and lean down to pick her up.
"Al its Ghost I got you."
Her hands are frozen up and she's blankly staring ahead. Non responsive.

"Simon is she okay?" Johnny asks while I try and snap her out of it.

"No, she's in shock. Come on let's get her somewhere she can calm down." I say as we move towards to motor pool.

Johnny gets in the back of a car with her and I drive. She doesn't say anything, she doesn't move, she just stares blankly. She must of been in so much pain her body just began to shutdown.

"Simon." Johnny says my name from the back seat and I look back at him in the rear view mirror.

He's worried about her, about them both. Price is just angry and hurting. But I didn't think he would react like that.
"I know Johnny, it'll be alright." I say back to him. At least I hope it will be.

We pull up at the house and Johnny races ahead to knock while I get her out of the back.

"Thought you might need some friends right now." I say down to her as I walk up to the door but she doesn't respond.

"Soap, Ghost..." Moose pauses when he sees her in my arms. "Bring her in." He says quickly, opening the door wider.

"This way, what happened?" Ed says as I follow him upstairs. Putting her down in a soft looking lounge chair.

"She's in shock, Price wouldn't see her." I answer as I kneel down to check her vitals. Her heart rate is fast and shallow, her pupils are responding but she's staring blankly ahead.

Moose appears next to me covering her with a blanket, putting heat packs in and around her chest and back. Where her scars are.

"Lucas?" Ed says Moose's name in a worried voice. They were against this idea for this exact reason no doubt, so was I.

"She's not good, I mean physically she would be fine but... I'm guessing the hurt and emotional distress brought up everything from her past." He says in answer to Ed's question but glances at me.

"Can we do something to help her?" Soap asks from behind me.

"Sadly no," Moose says standing up. "I'll get an IV drip set up but all we can really do is talk to her, keep her comfortable and wait until she comes out of it on her own."

"But she will come out of it?" Ed asks nervously.

"I hope so." Moose sighs before he leaves the room.

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