Chapter 39 - Rescue

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(Songs for this chapter -
With out You - LOW ROAR
In The woods Somewhere - HOZIER
Love Somebody - LAUV)


Breathe, just breathe.

My chest is so tight that I can't, I feel that sick I could throw up. Her scream fills my mind and heart, spilling out into the rest of my body. God it hurts, it's hurts more than anything I've felt, I'd take bullets over this any day.

Part of her thinks I did this to her, and even if she believes I didn't it won't change the fact that I promised her I wouldn't leave her alone. I broke her trust. Something she won't easily forgive, and why would she. Fuck.

I can't think about that right now, I have to get her back, I'll deal with the rest once she's safe.
My gorgeous affectionate wonderful girl, I won't rest until I find you.

"Price?" I turn my head slightly to see Moose.
"You okay big guy?"

Really, what the fuck do you think?
"Great." I sarcastically answer.

"Sorry stupid question, of course you're not okay." He moves in closer and stands next to me. 

"Thank you for doing all this, it's my fault and I should be fixing my own mistake but I don't know who I can trust with her, obviously not as many people as I thought."

Someone on my base let it leak that she was there, I know it wasn't the 141 men but that doesn't narrow it down much.

"You've got a rat problem?" Moose asks.

"So it would seem." I grumble back.

There is a pause in the conversation, I know Moose wants to say something he's just working out how to say it.

"Price," There it is.
"I know it doesn't seem like it right now but she will be alright, you two will be alright."

"Will we?" I painfully laugh out, I don't think even I can comprehend how much she's hurting right now.

"Does she know you love her?" Aliya was right, Moose doesn't miss a thing.

"No, not properly." I sigh out, I should of told her when I had the chance.

"Well let's make sure we get her back so you can tell her yeah?" Forever optimistic this one.

"Sir, Ed has got something." I hear Gaz call from the stairs behind us.

The compound isn't at all what I expected, it's small and hidden in a pine forest only a few hours away, it was used as a training facility but has since been decommissioned. Ghost, Soap and Tank are waiting for us to get to the opposite gate into the compound so we can all converge at the same time.

"Bravo team approaching south gate, Ghost team you are clear to proceed." Gaz radios to the others.

"Rog Bravo, moving in now." Soap replies.

Blade and Gaz take point, Moose and I follow closely behind. My heart is beating out of control, please be okay darling, I need you to be alright.
If anything has happened to you I don't know what I will do.

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