Chapter 72 - Laswell

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(Songs for this chapter
As Long As You Care - RUEL


Her tears are soaking through my shirt while her soft crying voice is breaking my heart. I stroke her back gently, tucking the blanket more tightly around her.

My anger has never subsided faster then when she reached out for me. Her loving face staring up at me so relieved, wanting to be in my arms despite what had been done to her, what was about to be done to her.

She is clinging to me like I'm going to leave her. It's making me want to retire, start up an orange farm and never leave her side again. I'm positive she would adore that idea.

I don't loosen my grip in the slightest until we get back into the underground garage at Iris's place. She leans into me as I step out of the car, her lips and nose now pressed to my neck. My sweet girl.

Moose and Soap are ahead of us, opening all the doors as I carry her down the hall.

"My legs are fine John." She sobs out half smiling at me.

"I know." I smirk down at her. She said that to me the last time I refused to put her down. She remembers everything. Everything I've done for her, every special moment between us, they are all just as important to her as they are to me. I love that.

We walk into the medical bay and see Ed and Tank talking in the corner.
"Aliya." Ed sighs out in relief but she doesn't look up, she's still very distressed and I don't want her bombarded. I nod towards them while I move to another cot and place her down gently.

"She's okay, it's just been a big day." Moose answer for me as he goes over to debrief them.

"What can I do gorgeous? I hate seeing you like this." I whisper down to her, running my hand through her hair. Iris comes to the other side of her and begins checking her over.

"Just being around you helps." She softly sobs back. Those beautiful eyes looking up at me.

"Sweetheart." I whisper as I bring her hand up to my face and kiss her palm gently.
"You know I love you right?"

"I know." She whispers up at me. Her fingers tightening around my hand.

"Will you let me take you away this time? I want you out of here and with me from now on." I lowly say to her as I kiss her forehead, making her let out a slight giggle.


"Don't even try and give me one more excuse." I say back, looking into her eyes, only inches from her face. She is going to give me a reason why she can't or has to stay but I'm not having any of that.

"You've done enough for everyone, for me." Her eyes are watering again while she slides her hands onto my shoulders.
"Now let me look after you, let me spoil you and treat you how you should of always been treated."

I gently brush Aliyas hair out of her face as her hands creep up my neck to my face. Her fingers touching my cheeks, like she's checking I'm real. I'll never need anything else but her.
Just us.

Iris clears her throat and we both look up from each other to her, she's smiling at us.
"You seem to be okay my dear I'll just get you something for the pain." She says  patting Aliya on the arm before she moves.

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