Chapter 12 - Too Much

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(Songs for this chapter -
Fever  - KYGO
Can't leave you alone - MAROON 5)


She comes racing back out of the entrance, she is cute but very drunk. She was drunk sitting next to me before, i could tell. She had a slight sway to her body that i don't think she realized she was doing and she was leaning in to smell me. While that is normally incredibly attractive, not when she is this intoxicated.

She gets back to us and leans against the table catching her breath, she's giggling.

"What happened?" I ask her looking at Gaz who's trying not to laugh.

"I just fell on my ass in the entrance way." she laughs out.

Gaz laughs too and i glare at him, "No it's fine it's hilarious, this is a disaster. Venom will pay for this." she chuckles out.

"Venom?" Gaz asks but i'm guessing the woman behind the bar that gave her a drink earlier.

"Venom is the busty lady in the snake skin pants behind the bar." Yes i thought so.

"Coyote sit down, Gaz go get her some water please." I grab Coyotes arm and pull her in as Gaz nods and gets up to go to the bar.

"What have you had to drink?" I ask her.

She shakes her head a little as she closes her eyes and sighs. "Absinthe." She answers opening one eye to look at my reaction.

"Oh shit." Not good, she won't be feeling better anytime soon.

"I blame you for this." she sasses at me.

"Me?" I question her raising an eyebrow.

"Well if you hadn't of come here looking like that." She says gesturing her hand towards just me in general. "Then i wouldn't of been so nervous and drunk this much." I can't help but smile at how honest she is being.

Gaz comes back with a glass of water with what looks like salt in it, a bottle of hot sauce and peeled lemon.

"Um Jenny gave me these for you?" Gaz questions as he sets the items down on the table.

"Oh thank you Gaz." She looks over towards the bar and blows the woman looking at her a kiss. She shakes her head back. Agreed.

Coyote puts some hot sauce on the soft spot of her hand between her thumb and index finger. She then starts eating the lemon like it's an apple. She's gone into crazy mode now.

"That bad huh?" Chloe laughs as she appears at the end of the table. "This is our sober up kit." She adds whispering it over to me.

"Worse." Coyote says in between bites. "I can't see straight and i'm suppose to be watching for Teddy's client." She licks sauce off her hand and then finishes the last part of the lemon.

"You mean the guy in the suit looking around lost?" Chloe sasses.

"Oh fuck!" She slides out of the seat, nearly falling over but i catch her arm this time. Jeez I need to be glued to her side, not that I have a problem with that.

She steady's herself with my grib and then she's off again. Chloe and Gaz start laughing and i chuckle a little myself.

"Once she's taken in the client she's free, maybe you could take her home?" She giggles. "She's never like this i swear, this isn't a very accurate representation of her."

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