Chapter 59 - Officers Ball

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(Songs for this chapter
I'll Be There - JESS GLYNNE
Soaked - BENEE
Oh My God - ADELE
Video Games - LANA DEL REY)


"Are you sure you'll be alright?"

"Yes Ali we'll be fine." Chloe rolls her eyes at me as we walk down the stairs of our apartment.
"Do you have everything?" She asks me.

"Yes I think so which shoes am I suppose take?" I ask looking at the pile of color by the door.

"T hold this I'll find them." She orders handing Tank the garment bag with my dress in it. I can't believe I'm saying the words 'my dress' it doesn't seem natural.

Tank rolls his eyes but does as he's told.
"I'm sorry Tank, I'll only be a few days."

"Relax it's fine, you never do anything for you." He responds in that commanding tone of voice.

"Neither do you." I retort.

"Well technically half of what we do is for me."

"I don't think getting justice really counts."

"Found them!" Chloe interjects. A pair of sparkling silver heels in her hand.

"Chloe I won't be able to walk in those." I answer panicked.

"These are my smallest pair, you'll be fine it's easier than you think." She laughs taking the dress back off Tank.

I sigh and open the door to see John leaning against his truck smoking. Patiently waiting for me. A smirk comes across his face when he sees me.

Chloe and Tank follow me out, my posse making sure I don't forget anything and stuff this up. Chloe waves at John and he opens the back door as she and Tank put my dress and bags in the back.

"Okay so make up and hair products are all in the grey bag, do you remember everything I taught you?"

I had a practice run/Chloe showing me how to do everything yesterday after we bought my dress. Teddy took Chloe and I into town and even paid for it, it's very beautiful and I'm sure expensive. I tried to say no but teddy insisted.

"Yes I remember." I sigh as John leans in to kiss my forehead.

"There is a salon at the hotel I can take you to if you don't want to do it yourself darling."

Chloe's eyes light up at his statement.
"No," I say glaring at her. "Thank you John but I can do it." I will not let him spend that kind of money on me, much to Chloe's disappointment.

I lean in and hug her.
"Make sure Kyle does at least some work." I whisper.

"No promises." She giggles back.

"Tank," I say hugging him too.
"Keep an eye on Blade." I say as I release him.

"Always do." He chuckles.

John and I get in the truck and I wave to Chloe as we drive off. I look back to John and his knuckles are white on the steering wheel.

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