Chapter 84 - Ghost

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"You don't have to do this you know?" I say to Ghost in the passenger seat.

"I know." He simply says back as he takes off his mask.

We both get out of the truck and walk up the drive way, I knock on the door and we stand quietly waiting.

He's here for me, making sure I keep it together, trying to help me find her.

"Do they even know?" I ask him quietly.

"Probably not." Ghost shrugs.

May opens the door and looks up at both of us, the disappointment in her face is obvious, she was hoping we had Aliya with us.

"Come in gentlemen, I'm not sure how much help we can be." She says solemnly.

"Nothing?" Dalton sighs as he enters the room.

"Not yet." I answer. I don't care if everyone thinks it's hopeless I'm not giving up.

Dalton and May are looking confusingly at Ghost, I'm not sure either have seen him without his mask on.

"Lieutenant?" Dalton finally asks.

"Yes sir." Ghost responds.

"Almost didn't recognize you."

"My names Riley sir." Ghost says directly again, wanting to be open with them but saying it a little too forcefully.

"Riley?" May softly interjects.

"Yes ma'am."

"You went through training with Aliya?"

"I did yes." He answers as we all sit down.

"She talked about you a lot, it used to drive the others crazy, they would try and beat your records."

I can see he's glad to hear it, but it's just another reminder of how he should have helped her. Not that it's his fault and she wouldn't blame him, but he feels guilty just the same.

"Is there anywhere she might have mentioned in the past that she would have felt safe enough to go?" I asking changing the subject.

Both May and Dalton look at each other.

"I know it's a long shot, but anything would help. We've tried all her current contacts and places she might go."

"The couple of odd places she might have gone Paul's already looked." May says as Dalton grabs her hand.
"Not that there is much, she wouldn't go to any of the men's families and she and Dallas lived out of bases most of the time."

"I've tired my place, not that I think she would go there but I didn't want to leave any stone unturned." Dalton sighs, "She's good at hiding."

"Yes she is, this is because of my actions and I'm sorry for that. But i'm determined to find her." She needs me, I know she does. Now more than ever.

"Price, we don't blame you. She made you think something terrible for a reason, she wanted to keep you safe. Whatever the cost. Yes it was foolish and rash, but love makes you do things you'd normally never do." May kindly responds, looking at me with understanding eyes.

"Yes it does." I answer her, taking the photo of Aliya and the Wild Dogs out of my jacket and handing it to her.

Her eyes begin watering at the sight of it, taking in a shaking sharp breath as she places her fingers gently on the photo.

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