Chapter 46 - Always

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(Songs for this chapter -
Serious {feat. Matt Corby} - KYGO


John is humming while he trims his beard in the mirror. It's incredibly cute. The shower curtain is drawn but I opened it a little so I could watch him.

The boys replaced the mirror the other day while John was away, they also fixed our terrible kitchen chairs and Moose and Blade cleaned the whole place for us. They are all very sweet, I will go and thank them once John goes back to base.

My chest hurts just thinking that, I don't want him to leave. I like us existing in our own little bubble. Pretending the world outside isn't real.

I turn the water off and open the curtain, he is waiting there with a towel for me, so ridiculously sweet. I move into his space and he wraps me up, tickling me with his beard.

"John stop." I giggle out in my still croaky voice.

"But I love hearing you laugh." He mumbles into my neck.

"And I love seeing you smile." I rasp back.
He picks me up and puts me on his shoulder carrying me back to our room.
Our room? Did I just think that? He's been here four days and I'm acting like he lives here.

I pull his boxes down as he walks and bite him just above his ass.
"Jesus Christ, I caught a live one." He chuckles as he throws me onto the bed.

I smile and put my arms out wanting him to lay with me. He crawls onto the bed, kissing down my arm before he rests his head on my chest. My hands tracing up and down his back as he hums into my skin.

Johns phone rings from the night stand, making me remember people exist outside of us. I forgot for a moment.

"Sorry darling, I'll just turn it off."

"No it's okay to answer, it might be important." He kisses me in response and grabs the phone.

"Yeah?" He simply says into the phone as he gets off the bed.

"What!?" He shouts moving out into the lounge, my eyes follow him worried by his tone.

"You're sure?"  I can still hear him from in here, now I'm sitting up in bed worried.

"Let me discuss it with Coyote."

He comes walking back into the room, but stops when he sees me looking at him, anxiously playing with my necklace. It's something I won't like, I can tell by his face.

"Darling," He starts, sitting down on the bed and grabbing my hands.
"The men have got a location on Shepherd and I want to go and kill him."

I know he's wants to do it for good reasons, for me and so many other things that vile man has done but all I see in my mind is John getting tortured and bleeding out in front of me.

I move myself in under his chin and he wraps his arms around me.
"In my dream he was torturing you, blood everywhere and I couldn't stop him." My shaking voice speaks out.

"That will not happen gorgeous, my men wouldn't let it. You know how stubborn Ghost is." He runs his hand through my hair.

He's right Riley is stubborn and he would never give up. And while I don't know Soap and Gaz as well, if they are on Johns team I'm sure they would think the same.

"I don't want to undo all the progress we've made, you trust me and i will not break that. If you need me to stay with you I will." He assures kissing the top of my head but I can hear in his voice how important this is to him.

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