Chapter 60 - The General

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(Songs for this chapter
Dinner & Diatribes - HOZIER
Say It Again - AJ MITCHELL)


It's like I have been on guard duty most of the night, my god the men trying to get at her.

As flattered as I am, this is more work than actual work. It's not just that she's beautiful, but so happy that you can't help but be lured in. Even I've found myself moving closer to her every time she laughs or smiles.

Luckily she only has eyes for me and has been politely declining all offers to dance. She has danced with me though and fuck if I didn't have half the room staring daggers at me.

I have spotted an old CO though so I need to go and pay my respects, but this is the last time I'm leaving her side tonight.

"I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me."

"General Dalton sir, good to see you." I respond shaking his hand, he doesn't look like he's aged a day in years.

"You can drop the general, I think we're past that." He grumbles in a joking tone.
"I'm surprised you're here, you well?" Flat as ever, he was never great at small talk, but I haven't seen him in years and you have to start somewhere.

"So am I sir, not my usual terrain. I'm very well. How's life behind a desk?" I say sarcastically. My first few years as a lieutenant were spent serving under his command and he always hated the thought of sitting behind a desk.

"Yes I'm just as shocked as you are that I took the promotion to a desk." He retorts back with a shrug. The man was always very stubborn and serious, I have not seen this new side of him.

"If you don't mind me asking, why the change of heart sir?" I say respectfully.

"Not why, who. I met an incredible woman,  she says I shouldn't be out in the field at my old age. So general it is." He chuckles but I'm shocked. Met a woman?! Where? Unless she strolled into a base he was commanding, the man never goes anywhere else. That explains why he's so different, love changes you, I know all about that.

"A woman who can convince you to become a general, she must be something Sir."

"Yes she is, she's around here somewhere, likes to mingle and chat more than I can keep up with. Speaking of I hear you have found yourself a young lady?"

"Yes sir I have. No keeping secrets around here is there?" Not that I wanted to keep her a secret but it's not like a lot of people knew about us. Well not before tonight anyway. Now I'm sure all of the SAS knows.

"Good news travels fast these days, especially if it involves officers." He rolls his eyes. "Is your lady here? I'd like to meet her."

"Yes she's over there in the blue with Wilkins." I gesture to where they are sitting but Aliya's back is to us.

"Good god Price you left her with Wilkins?" He mocks as we walk over.

"She can handle him don't worry, she's a force to be reckoned with." I say proudly.

"I'd expect nothing less." He chuckles.

I wouldn't say I see Dalton as a father figure exactly, but definitely a model officer. He's lived and breathe the SAS longer than anyone, I don't know a single soldier who doesn't respect him. He is or rather was a difficult man but he always did the right thing and got the job done. Serving under a man of his caliber, having him as a comrade feels like an accomplishment in itself.

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