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"momma can you order new bed and metress for me... I don't like it now... Throw it away"Tharn yelled looking at his momma...

"We just bought it few months again brother...momma don't throw it...give it to me" sugar intrupted and he nodded...

" Ok don't fight just order whatever you like but learn to respect things... You get bored of things very easily Tharn "his dadda said while arranging his things at proper place ...

"Dadda please... I m your good baby na... Don't scold me" he said pouting his lips and smiling Mew ruffled his son's head and kissed his daughter head too ..

" Ok fine we are leaving and take care of sugar... dont roam around and fight with anyone" Saying that Mew left with Gulf Hugging his both kids and after getting ready both the siblings sat down in the car... While entering into the class sugar was searching for Type but he was nowhere...

"Don't you dare to talk to him.. you promised me... He's crazy..
You are a still little girl now and I m not saying you need protection but stay away from pervert... I will protect you... Don't let him touch you... It's bad" he said and sugar nodded pouting her lips still her eyes were roaming around...

" I understood.. I won't talk to him... "Saying that she walked away and sighing Tharn was walking towards his class when he saw Type was walking inside the restroom and saw him cleaning his nose and was coughing badly ..

Grabbing his collar the guy pushed him inside the cubical space area and pinned him on the wall ..

"You really like to touch Everyone right pervert...?"he asked pushing him inside rubbing his body against him

"L-leave" Type said with straight face trying to get away but the guy ...

"Don't order me .. you literally blamed me because of you I got suspended and you even dared to touch my sister badly... Now I will show you what touching actually means "saying that he began to touch Type and grabbed his ass he began to rub it and now Type began to push him...

"W-Why are you scared...? Don't you like it baby?" he grabbed his face and began to suck his lips... Type just felt wierd with this touch but he didn't reacted... He just let the guy do whatever he wanted...

Tharn kissed and kissed and now he was liking each things what he was doing...

"You are liking it right? Atleast react or say no... You bitch" he grabbed his collar and Type glared at him...

"You kissed me 3 times and you will get kissed 9 times.."

"W-what? "He asked and Type just looked away pinching Tharn's hands hard..

" You are forcing me and you will be punished for this... I will tell your dadda about it..." Type said and the other guy just grabbed his waist in anger...

" You dare to say it you bitch... " He said pinning him more on the wall while holding his body...and hit head head hard...

"Don't leave me then... I will spread my germs to you" smirking Type wiped his nose which disgusted Tharn and looking at him in anger the guy raised his hands to slap and saw how cutely Type was covering to protect himself...

"Y-you... Just don't meet me next time" saying that he walked out and as he went towards his friends all of them made a disgusting face...

"Oh Tharn you better clean your shirt... Your nose liquid is still on it as it was all over his side chest" Lisa felt disgusting and made face like puking... Embarassed he went inside again and was cleaning his shirt when he saw type who he was kissing just minutes ago was fixing his clothes and hair... Ignoring the guy he was cleaning his shirt when suddenly Type stood up and began to touch Tharn's hair wierdly...

"What are you doing pervert... ?Leave" he yelled pushing the guy but the guy still touching him...

" You are such a pervert guy... Why you do this? Don't you dare to touch me and my sister again? " He asked and nodding Type left and the guy shook his head with a sigh...

A/N-: Type doesn't know that touching someone is wrong because from childhood no one actually told him and now even if someone tell him.. he doesn't pay attention to it

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