Bluemoon story

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Hello my name is Blue kirigun son of Type and Tharn... Just like my momma I m also an autistic guy and that's why people always maintain distance with me and I have only a single friend who's just a work friend that means he and I only talk for work and project related things...

It was the first day of my new college and hopefully I got admission in another college which is also very good , actually I was in my dadda's college earlier but I was getting special treatment over there so I transferred at second year...

My driver peacefully dropped me and was watching me until I don't go inside...

"Take care" he said and sitting down in the car he walked away... Suddenly a lady stood up Infront of me and looked at me then...

"Only 4minutes are left... Hurry up .. or you will be sent back to home" this college is strict and filled with nerds so things here would be very new to me as earlier I was getting special treatment which I hated... Now life feels normal...

I asked her about my class direction and giving me a cold look she finally told me and I began to run towards my class and when I turned left towards the class section I bumped with someone and we both fell down on the ground... I was just putting on my spectacles and looked at the guy who was staring at me...

"S-sorry" I began to hit myself and went inside...

As i went inside everyone were busy in their own things and damn! Not even a single person was interested in even looking at me... Aishhh it feels so good when people doesn't bother me neither give me sympathy or wierd look...

I sat down at the corner last bench and felt so relieved because I use to be centre of attraction in my old college but now I feel like I m in heaven... People scare me... I hate socializing and being centre of attention...

Suddenly that same creepy guy sat down beside me although there were many seats available at front...

"Blue Kirigun right?" He asked and I raise my eyebrows that why does he know me ..

"Y-yes... H-how do you know?" I asked and he smiled looking down...

"Moon? The guy who got scholarship in primary section for US and you cried a lot when I went there.. you were almost 13 back then" he said a lot of words but I didn't remembered a single thing like that

"I m sorry, I don't remember anything like that" my doctor told me that I forget past related things and i would always forget things which don't happen with me regularly and it's been around 7 years so offcourse I don't know anything about him... Or maybe he's lying...

"Y-you don't remember me?" He asked and his voice cracked while saying that... I can sense he was upset over my statement...

"Class, good morning... I m saying it because you guys aren't interested" the teachers mocked us and we all stood up and wished her good morning...

Then our class finally started and i began to study... The whole time I was focused with studies but I did noticed that guy was sometimes staring at me and was making me uncomfortable...

"C-can you not look here?" I started hitting myself and everyone began to look at me but the wonderful thing is that they didn't reacted like brats and just minded their own buisness

"Stop don't,ok i won't...I m sorry" he held my hands and I stopped... finally the wierd guy was looking away and the teacher spoke..

" Your seats and fixed for the whole semester... Diana make sure to give me the seating arrangement structure so they won't be able to change " she said and walked away...

Suddenly a girl came who was writing everyone's name...

"Moon and what's your name?" She asked me raising her eyebrows...

"Can I change my seat...? I don't want to sit with him" fuck my mouth, why Do I always spit out whatever is going inside my head...

"No you can't, tell me your name?" She asked getting irritated...

"B-blue " i said and burried my face on the bench because I was embarassed by my behaviour... He must be feeling bad...

"I m sorry" I said but again he smiled.

"No worries, I won't disturb you if you aren't comfortable, I can understand... And I m not that talkative... It's just... umm...Anyways leave it" saying that he began to write something in his notebook and I began to do the same...

During lunch hour I was eating my favourite sandwich when suddenly a guy who looks almost same as this wierdo came and sat down infront of us turning around towards Moon..

He began to eat rice from moon's box while this poor guy was just smiling...

"Tell momma I will be late Today" he said unbuttoning his shirt upper buttons and my eyes widened as I saw his locket... He's my soulmate, the one whom I gave my locket ...


"No but... Don't argue" he Said standing up and looking at me he held my hands and picked up the sandwich and ran away...

"I-i m so sorry on my brother's behalf... You can eat mine" he said offering me his lunch...

I was angry but I was happy too that I finally found him, although I don't remember his face but he's my soulmate, he's my first Love, first kiss and the guy who always use to come in my dreams...

"What's his name?" I asked

"His name is Black" wow my name is blue and his black we are definitely made for eachother...

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