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Tharn's pov...

"Tharn Tharn are you even listen?" miss marry our English teacher yelled scolding me and I looked at her...

"Y-yes... Excuse me.. my head hurts" I said and walked out, I signalled that guy to come out too, but he didn't budge...

"Mam principal sir is calling Type... Can I take him there?" I asked miss marry as she's not like other teachers,she don't get scared with anyone and treat everyone equally,infact she like Type... finally she said yes.....
"Type go and Tharn take care of him" she said and I nodded
Holding Type's hands I pulled her out and took him to my favourite place that's rooftop room which is mine...

"I fucking miss you" I said kissing him hard on his lips while he was just being sulky... Yesterday I scolded him a lot and broke his favourite vase too that's why he's just being dramatic....

"I fucking missed you, you missed me too right?" I asked and he nodded hugging me...

" Say you missed me too" I i said staring at him holding his gentle body but he didn't said anything pouting his lips...

" Say sorry first, you really hurted my feelings yesterday, it took me two days to make that vase... And you broke it just because you were Angry" he said and I smirked sucking his lips...

"Except for my parents no one , i said no one ever asked me to say sorry and I don't even say sorry to anyone and I will say it to you... Just don't dream" saying that I left him there and he instead of following me just laid down on the bed...

"Do you want to miss the class? ' I asked and he nodded...

" I m tired.. i need rest" he said with a sigh... He's really looking sad so walking closer I pulled him up...

" Sorry... "

" What? " He basically yelled happily...

" I m sorry for the last night bahavior now let's go" i said and he happily jumped on me wrapping his legs around smiling widely...

" I love you" he yelled out of happiness and I too smiled a little bit and hugged him..
" Tharn let's hit the club today... "

"No I m busy tonight, i can't come" I said because today Type promised that he will sleep with me and I won't let that chance go
.. i don't know why but I m always craving for that crazy guy's body... He's my new boy toy basically who really satisfy me a lot...

"Oh common... It's been a month since you never hangout with us... Are you really with that crazy guy... There's a rumour that you are dating Type and he's living with you... Are you serious?" Olivia asked me infront of all of my friends...

"Oh common... Do you think Tharn will date an abnormal guy... Maybe he's just a helper at his house right? " Ryan defended and i nodded...

" Y-yes me and him? Never" I said but unfortunately that mad guy came towards me and stood up at corner signalling me to come towards him...

"He's calling you Tharn" Cindy said and I felt embarassed and told him to go but he was just standing there...

" Come here you stupid " I yelled and he walked towards me and pouted...

" What happened?" I asked

" Can you give me 50 baht? "

" Beggar... You are always asking for money... Take this" I said and gave it to him... Hopefully now my friends really agreed to my lie... Because I don't want anyone to think that he's my boyfriend... Never...

At night I came back and after having my dinner I went inside his bedroom where he was sleeping so jumping up there I went inside and the first thing I did was to kiss him but he just turned around shaking his head...

"N-no... I-i m angry " he sulked pushing me away and I just pinned his hands glaring at him...

" There's no for you... Slaves can't say no... Remember I pay you for this... So you need to obey me... Now just shut and undress yourself ... enough of your drama...since the day I said sorry you are just being extra" I said and he began to undress himself, I can see he was angry as he was digging nails on his own hands but then I held his hands and he began to bite me... I didn't reacted because it's his habit and I really like's ok for him to Hite me but I don't like when he get angry...
" I love your body so so much... There's nothing, i said nothing can be more addictive than you... I feel like always doing this" I said grabbing his naked body closer... In this cold season, this warm blanket, this bed and his body is all i need... My key to happiness...

" I don't know but I love you Tharn... I know you won't ever love me back but I do... I really do love you .. I don't do all this for money, it's because I really l-l-like you... Can you be my boyfriend... "

" No never... I can't.. look at you Type how can you even think about it? " I asked and he just looked down leaving me but I didn't wanted him to leave me or to force him anymore now...
So I said whatever came in my mind...

" You aren't my boyfriend but you can consider me your boyfriend... I will only touch you and sleep with you... I won't love anyone else and the day I love anyone then we will break this off... And you know I can't... Because you are way to sexy to forget " I said and he became so happy that he began to rub his head and the he hugged me tightly.. his soft squeezy ass just allure me to do more so I began to scissor it and he looked at me...

" N-no... Not again " he sighed but who's gonna listen to him.. he's mine and he will only listen to me at any cost...
But then I looked at him and he was genuinely looking exhausted so I left that idea and just Hugged him tightly...

" I love you" I said whatever came in my mind and he smiled widely kissing my whole face...

" I love you too... Thank you, thank you so so so much " he said and we both fell asleep...

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