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Blue's pov...

I tried to call him but he didn't picked up the call... I asked dadda and explained him everything but things went against me...

"Don't you dare to bother him again, otherwise you will be grounded... Ok" they said and I just nodded but I know I will find him and will apologize....

After that day whenever he use to see me the guy use to run away but today I was determined that I will catch him and I began to run behind him but as I can't even run properly and I fell down and the guy who was running away stopped and came pulling me up...

"Why are you doing this? What happened now?" He asked being annoyed to me so I began to cry and immediately Hugged him...

"I m sorry, I m really sorry... I misunderstood everything... Please get back together" i cried but he just scoffed looking at me...

" Things don't go like this can't always get things back after you lost the opportunity anyways... Go back to your home ? Why you don't go with your car? " He asked and I pouted

" Because I want to explore so dadda allowed me to walk towards my office " i stated and he laughed at me making fun of me...

" Explore for 5 minutes? your office is literally just five minutes away " he made fun of me and I didn't like that...

" Please don't leave me... Can't we get back together?" I asked and he nodded...

"Let's go home first then I will decide" he said so as a good boy I went with him and he complained all things to my parents...

"You guys are way too careless with him... From the beginning to end you really don't know how much he was hurt physically... what he's doing and so one One day he will be hurt very badly then don't regret... you guys are careless" he scolded my parents and they just looked down...

" You are right... We just gave him a lot of freedom to him and trusted him a lot... I think we should be careful now and be strict too" Dadda said and held my hands...

" Take care" saying that he was walking out but I held him tightly...

" Moon please please forgive me na" I asked but smirking he just left me alone..
After that my parents scolded me so much and so  I promise momma that I will behave and that's why I never bothered him neither ate icecream, I use to go office and come back straight to him when suddenly one day he came in my way...

"H-hi" I said smiling but he wasn't smiling at all...

"This is your ring, i forgot about giving it to you..." He said giving me the ring which I gave to him..

"Please I m sorry... I just misunderstood when I saw you talking with black" I explained and he just sighed...

"I know that guy told me and don't be sorry because I won't get back to you" he said so wiping my tears I just took my ring back kept it back in my pocket

"Ok fine don't...and please don't come in my way again...if you have anything to return then throw it away" Saying that I turned around to leave when he held my hands...

"I will accept you only on one condition" he asked looking at me and I just held his abdomen and looked up ..

"I will do whatever you ask... Whatever"

"I will insult you just as you did... Infront of everyone, all you have to do is to arrange a party next week, can you?" He asked..

"You will make fun of my abnormality?" I asked and he smiled

"Offcourse baby... Then only I will accept you? Yes or no?" He asked and I nodded because actually I deserve it... There's nothing wrong if he wants to do the same...

"Fine let's meet on Monday.. dress up best because you will remember that day..." He said and left immediately... I just cried and returned back to home...

Next week

As usual I got dressed up and everyone were inside the hall and we have set up this party for the only reason that he is gonna insult me...

"So as you guys already know why we have arranged this party... So kindly gather over here" Moon asked standing on the stage...

"Blue can you please come here" he asked and embarassed I went there and the centre light turned on...

"Blue is very dumb, naive and a innocent guy... Anyone can make him fool and biggest problem is that he trust so easily" my insult just started and I wanted to cry so badly...

"But these are the quality which I love the most... I like him being dumb, naive and innocent because atleast he loves me with his pure heart... He doesn't know what's cheating, what's manipulating all he knows is relation and love.. although we did a lot of mistakes and we fought many times during our relationship but still even after 100 flaws we are still ready to accept ourselves and I want to get engaged to him...

Blue I want to ask you
" Will you be my fiance? " He asked kneeling down pulling out the ring and I just knelt down too and began to cry.. I was so happy that it came out as tears... I never ever thought that he would again love me but he does...

"Offcourse I will" I said out loud and he pushed the ring inside my finger...

"I bought this ring with my first salary" he said smiling and I just hugged him...

"I m so sorry... So so sorry... I love you so much" i pulled him into kiss and we began to kiss on the stage until dadda clapped his hands...

" Ummm we are in public baby" he said and I immediately pulled out and we smiled standing up...

" Please smile" the photographer said and we posed for the camera holding eachother... Then I realised his grandparents also came and all of our family came on the stage and took a family picture...

"Partners please hug your spouse and Say cheese" the photographer said holding Eachother's partner everyone indeed said it..

"I m not your partner leave" Nora whined pushing Ace but cutely Ace the chubby boy Hugged him and the picture turned out to be very cute...

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