Happy ending

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Type's pov...

Today is my baby Nora's 4th birthday and he got a lot of gifts from his brother, sister and even from his own parents except for me because I don't want to spoil him much, he's already too spoiled...

I thought I would die after 40 but doctor told me my health got better and I maybe able to live upto 50 or maybe more than that...

"Happy birthday momma" Nora fed me the third bite of his cake after his grandparents as it's his habit to say happy birthday while feeding cake although we asked not too...

Soon the song started and like every year we started dancing and I was dancing with momma because I m angry with me husband so today he's on punishment mode..

We enjoyed the whole party and received a lot of gifts for Nora because offcourse everyone is our family is doing well and earning so we are very rich and people value you more when you have money...

"Nora for you" a little guy who's our maids son lives in the farmhouse said giving him a flower...

"Thanks..." Nora took it and the little guy smiled and walked away with his momma, I saw how my evil baby threw the flowers and began to check latest tab he got from someone... I don't know why and how someone can gift an 8 year old tab... I don't ever let him touch any gadgets because I have decided I won't let him use any of that before 15...

"Baby he gave you a gift so you shouldn't throw it like that" as I said clicking his tongue and picked up the flower and smiled...

"Sorry momma..." He said, he's just like his dadda.. a cunning and mean boy but my heart says he would be a good person in future because he's Tharn's son... Maybe late but he will understand the value of love and care...

"It's not about manners, it's about feeling... Ok you won't do it again right?" I asked and he nodded smiling...

After making sure he slept I collected all the tabs and electronic gadgets and went to Blue's room as my room's cupboard was full and was keeping it inside the cupboard when suddenly someone entered the room from the window with a bag and stood up at the centre ...

"B-blue, I missed you" he said kissing blue's teddy and as his eyes turned around to my side the guy with big glasses fell down looking scared...
And stood up and began to bow...

"I-i-i m sorry, i m sorry, i apologise for my behaviour" he said bowing again and again when I held his shoulder...

"Blue's boyfriend?" I asked and suddenly blue came out of the washroom and looked at us...

"What are you doing here?" Blue asked almost yelling at him

"I-i m here to give you this file... I won't be able to come tomorrow, we are going out of town tomorrow"he informed with a straight face showing that he's not the one who kissed his teddy...

"Ok fine do you want water or something?" Blue as a good baby asked and he shook his head and then he got out from window...

"Why did he came from that side?" I asked and blue sighed...

"Actually he often comes here to do projects together so that's why it's the shortcut, you know how much formalities is on the main gate so I gave him the access of back door..

" But that's our secret gateway " i said and he smiled...

" Don't worry, he's trustworthy "

" Do you like him? " I asked and Blue took a pause and shook his head ..

"Offcourse not .. I don't" he said and sighing i walked out... As i entered in my room my husband pulled me into hug and sat down on the couch with me on his lap...

"I always wait for you but you are always busy... I m sorry na... Why are you still Angry with me?" He asked pouting his lips..

" Promise me you won't ever ignore my phone calls ... Do u even know how much scared I was ... I thought someone kidnapped you" i stated ruffling his hair and he smiled kissing my cheeks...

" Offcourse I won't and thanks for always caring for me, i love you so so much.. I m so lucky to get u "

" I m lucky too... I love you the most... In my every life I just want to live with you... " I said staring at my husband's beautiful face... While staring we just kissed Eachother...

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