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Ace's pov...

I cried a lot when I came here because I never wanted to leave my village and come here.. people of city are mean and arrogant who think so low of us and that's why I didn't wanted to come here but now uncle got older and due to his weak limbs he can't work anymore so I came here as replacement because even my younger sister (cousin)'s responsibility is on me And I need to atleast earn enough to support them some amount because having lands only would do us no good...

As I came inside my room my eyes widened when I saw the big room , they say I came here in childhood but I hardly remember anything maybe because I was so small...

I just went inside the washroom and got so happy that there was tub but I couldn't find the water source but suddenly a fountain began to shower on me and then I looked up... And realised it was shower which I use to see in magazines... I showered myself for around 1 hour and coming back to his room I texted my Aunt whom I consider as my momma because she raised me and always loved me a lot although we didn't stayed together but she use to hear my expenses when I was with granny in village and then I Looked at my granny picture...

"I miss you oldie... I hope you are happy in heaven... Tell momma and dadda I m fine and aunt uncle is also fine" I was chatting with my late granny's picture when I saw The guy Nora walked inside my room and was roaming around there chatting with someone on the's my room why he's considering it a garden to roam around

" Yeah that's so fun " he sat down and lit up a cigarette and began to smoke but his eyes widened when he saw Me was staring at him and he immediately coming closer to me this evil guy again held my hair, I don't know what's his obsession with grabbing my hair...

"Don't tell anyone otherwise" he acted like to cut his neck threatening me...

"Ok i won't but this is toxic for health"

"I love toxic... I m toxic " he sassily said and again sitting down beside me on my bed  he began to smoke while I was just coughing loudly and he was just laughing on me...

"Poor guys like you are way too much weak.. you must be eating Mud over there... Anyways " finally the guy walked away and clearing up the smoke I just laid down and immediately fell asleep...

In the morning I woke up and walked out to work out and unlike my village there isn't a wide field but still they gave a big garden where I was just running when a baby girl came and held my legs .. she was way too little I mean almost 3 and she was waving her hands towards me...

I just pulled her up and sat down on the bench with her...

" Who are you Bubba? " I asked looking at her adorable face and she just licked her lips and blinked at me...

" Mamma lost so I here... Eat eat ice ice" she said pointing at the big poster which was basically a supermarket where a big icecream picture was made...

"Where's your momma?" I asked when suddenly someone spoke.

"Here... I m his momma" Blue came walking towards me and smiling he sat down beside me..

"We were playing when I got busy on some call and she ran down here... I m such a bad momma" he said smiling with guilt

" You aren't bad sometimes it happens... And she's just here in the garden... No worries we all are human" I said and he smiled and nodded...

I like him a lot... I mean not romantically but he's genuinely very kind and good... He got a different wisdom than anyone over here..

"I really like you so much sir... You look really kind and nice... I have never seen such a nice guy like you.. but your brother isn't like you... He's very rude to us... " I complained and he bit his lips...

" Sometimes we judge too quickly... Neither I m very good ask my husband how much I annoyed him before marrying and once you get to know Nora you will realise he's not that bad... I mean offcourse there's no denying that he's rude , mean and Cruel but once you won His heart he's all yours" he explained and I just internally rolled my eyes because I don't need to win his heart...

" Ok fine do your workout, it's her nap time... She was awake whole night and now she will sleep and me too... Our shift ends here now" he said and walked away, I can understand, raising babies are way too difficult thing...

Returning back I got ready and was waiting for Nora to come so that we can go to college but then I saw him he was still just brushing his teeth..

Finally thirty minutes late we reached To our class and I thought teacher would scold us but she didn't as This guy is quite famous over here...

A/N-: don't ask me why mewgulf didn't got old because I don't want them dead... I can't 🥺

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