Take care

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Ace's pov...

I hate this guy Nora but from past days he's very sweet and kind to me... Maybe he's pretending to be good Infront of his parents so that they can give him little freedom...

The shocking thing is that I never saw him sneaking out, talking with anyone, fucking with anyone or even texting anyone while roaming around... He just go to college with me.. although I go there on wheelchair but I always keep an eye on him.. he just talk to his friends... Have lunch with them and study most of the time and that's why his friends have to study too...

He came home but unlike earlier he doesn't go away sneaking out of his house.. he just changed his clothes, play with pink, wear wierd clothes... I mean Type brother's outfit which is strange but cute... And then arrange his room and after that he sleeps all day... At night he eat with his family, bring food for me because offcourse I can't sit on dining table, massage my shoulder and head and then give me water bottle for night and  sleep only when I sleep... And also... I mean I shouldn't say it but he kiss my forehead every night...

I don't like him doing that but I don't say anything because granny use to kiss me  too and after her he's the only one who does it, so I kind of like it and feel loved although I hate him...

Today he didn't came to give me my food niether to ask whether I ate or not and suddenly moon brother came ...

"Eat Ace" he began to feed me but I insisted that I can eat by my own...

That guy must be went to Party that's why he didn't came.. must be fucking with somehow...

"Nora is little bit busy today so don't miss him, it's what he said" saying that he gave me my medicine ,water bottle, helped me to pee and finally covered me...

"You are just like my little brother... I hope you get better soon... Byee gn" he smiled ruffling my hair and walked away...

I know he must be fucking with someone that's why he's busy... He can't change, he just says he like me but behind my back he's just cheating on me...

Struggling somehow I went towards the inside door using wheelchair...and opening it a little bit I opened the door and heard him moaning while he was under the blanket and blanket was little bit raised up...

"Ahh yeah fuck..." he was saying all this and moving there I pulled down the blanket yelling at him...

"You are fucking cheating on me" I said and he got scared and immediately pulled his pants up but there was no one except for his phone where my photo was there...
Was he jerking off looking at my picture...?

"Y-you" before I can say anything he covered his face with a scarf and his his phone...

"How dare you to come inside, i told you I was busy " he said still covering his face...I just ignored the thing he was doing because it was way too embarassing and why the hell he was doing so... He's crazy ..

"What happened to you? Why are you hiding your face" I said trying to pull off the scarf but he wasn't letting me so I pretended that I was hurt in my legs and when he came closer I pulled out the scarf and I swear he was looking so scary, his face was swelled up with lot of red and white marks which were looking painful...

"W-what happened?" More than disgusted I was just worried and he covered his face again...

"I ate something from which I m allergic, that's why it happened" he said and I frowned because from past few days he always eat and stays with me and he only ate home food...

"What exactly?" I asked because offcourse I need to know what caused him this...

"Maybe something.. I don't remember" he lied and I m sure he knows but don't want to tell me...

"And what were you doing with my picture?" I asked out of curiosity and he just ran away towards the balcony and I followed him there... He tried to go away from another side but I blocked his way and he was at the end of the rod...

" I will fell down and die... Leave " he said while trying to hide his face with his palm...

" Don't hide your face... You aren't looking that bad" I mean he's obviously very beautiful so even allergies can't make him look ugly...

" Kiss me if I ain't looking that bad" he asked smiling like a creep bending down and turning around leaving him there I came inside...

"You are bad and ugly too..." He yelled from there Pouting his lips...

"That's why you were jerking while watching my single photo pervert" I replied back and returned back, i somehow got down but was confused how to go up when this guy came and pulled me up and helped me to lay down on the bed... offcourse I could climb back but it would take time and efforts

"Goodnight" saying that he ran away hiding his face... I don't know why I realised myself smiling but I shouldn't smile because he's a pervert... How can he jerk off while... Anyways I shouldn't remember all this...

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