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Who do you guys ship together? Ashley and Josh or Ashley and Andrew?

Let me know..


   All eyes were on me as I made my way down the halls. I felt everyone's gaze follow me as I continued to walk. Keeping my head down, clear from any sort of eye contact I desperately sought to get away from everyone.

   I heard guys talking about me and laughing. Girls whispering and pointing and I just hated it. "You need to send more!" A blonde guy in my grade shouted out to me.

   I just ignored him until a slightly shorter but more muscular guy called out to me. "Yo I'm down." I winced at the thought.

   "You better shut up!" I heard a deep voice rage. I turned around to see Andrew enraged as he pushed the slightly more buff guy back into the lockers. The loud noise took my by surprise.

   I just wanted to run out of here, away from all these perverts. Maybe coming to school wasn't such a good idea after all. I thought I could handle it but I guess I was wrong.

   A part of me just wanted to run into Andrew arms and never let go. To breathe in his scent. But the other more practical side of me warned me to stay away.

   I can stay away, or at least distance myself.

The guy put both his hands up in a surrendering motion before backing away with his friends. Andrew had the scariest look on his face.

   He looked like he was ready to attack anyone that got in his way. I know he would've. With just one look, everyone turned around and walked away.

   He looked over at me with a softer expression as if he was trying to say 'I'm sorry'. Our eyes connected for a few seconds before I snapped out of it. I turned away, heading for the stairs.

   "Ash wait up." Andrew called out. I heard the footsteps as he caught up, grabbing my forearm.

    I didn't stop, instead I was still trying to get away from there. I couldn't be around him. "Where are you going?"

  "My locker." I responded flatly. I didn't even bother facing him.

   "Can you wait a second?"

"No Andrew I gotta go." Andrew grabbed my hand and pulled me back. That got me to stop that's for sure. "S-stop." I narrowed my eyes.

   "Are you okay?"

"I feel amazing actually!" I mocked with sarcasm filling my tone.

   "Stop. I'm serious." He tightened his grip on my hand causing me to focus my attention to our combined hands.

   "Why does it matter?"

"It matters to me." His eyes observed my unhappy features. I had to look away or I'd start to cry.

   "You saw it too?" I questioned with my eyebrows furrowed.

   "Yes.. I ended things with Tasha." He explained. My eyes lit up at the sound of that. I felt a sudden relief mixed with happiness. "I can't believe she's so something like that. It's messed up."

   "I hate her."

"Come here." Andrew motioned with his hands trying to pull me into a hug. I really wanted a hug right now. It's what I needed after all this.

  For some reason I wanted to hug him. Maybe I needed the comfort or something but all I know is that I wanted him to hug me.

   I just can't though.

"No.. I-I'm fine." I resisted, mentally kicking myself in the face.

   "You don't look fine."

I wasn't.

  "I am I swear." The lack of confidence shown right through my words. Andrew stood there, eyebrows raised as he stood there not believing me in the least.

   "You're lying. Now get over here."

Just go for it.

No, just walk away. You're just going to end the friendship anyway.

Cmon go for the freaking hug it's not the end of the world!

"I said no."

  "Ash you were there for me when I told you about my crappy life, now let me be there for you." He argued.

   The more he spoke the more I just wanted to give in and hug him. Wow I sound like the dumbest person on the planet. Fighting over whether I should hug Andrew Hills or not.

  Wow what a drama queen. Forget this I'm hugging him. I let myself go running into his arms. I felt like crying, but I wasn't going to do that in front of him.

   I wrapped my arms around his neck, his large hands around my waist. I inhaled his Versace cologne. It had a huskiness to it which was comforting.

   I loved this smell. I didn't know what exactly it was that I was obsessed with but either way it was addicting. "I hate you." I spoke.

   "No you don't."

He was right I don't hate him. If anything I might actually like him. I don't know. This is why I need to keep my distance.

   If I was going to stay in my relationship I'd have to stop seeing him. This will be difficult I'm not going to lie, but I can't be around him.

    Problems start and it's a huge mess that I don't want to deal with anymore. He's become a really close friend and I don't want to let this friendship go.

    I hugged him tighter burying my head in his chest.

   This is our last hug.

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