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It turns out that Andrew and I have only two classes together. I mean yeah, it's better than last year when we only had language arts, but more would be nice. The two were just math and language arts.

  Three classes if you count gym.

Oh, well I guess we have three classes after all. I had those three classes all back to back after lunch, so for the remainder of the day we were together.

    It was language arts, math, and gym at the very end of the day which sucked. I mean yeah, I'm athletic and all but school gym? Uh, that would be a no.

   I don't do that.

Dodgeball and badminton are probably the worst games you could possibly play. I hate getting all sweaty and changing in a room full of girls. The worst part is when it gets crowded and we're all forced to just crowd together, practically half naked.

Considering last year's whole situation with those 'nudes' being leaked I'd taken some extra precautions. Instead of changing near those god awful girls I tried moving to a different locker.

For a while everything had been fine until I'd occasionally catch them staring at me. It pissed me off so much that I couldn't help but flip them off. I didn't feel comfortable being out in the open while I changed so I took matters into my own hands.

I had decided that enough was enough. It was easier to just change in one of the bathroom stalls, away from everyone and their curious eyes.

Honestly though, mind your own business. Everyone in here is changing, same as you. Every girl in here has everything you have so would you please just you know.. not?

I was happy at the fact that we had more classes, and especially ecstatic that he was out of jail most importantly. I've been looking forward to this day for god knows how long.

The day I'd finally see him again, and it was here. I'd seen him, hugged him, held him, and even kissed him. I've never quite missed someone that much that I wasn't even related to.

   But obviously, he was different.

   It has been approximately three minutes since the dismissal bell has rung. The first day wasn't as bad as I had anticipated it to be. First off, I didn't even expect to see Andrew in school.

   I was mentally and emotionally trying to prepare myself for that particular empty feeling I had grown to know. The feeling that for the past year, I forced myself into dealing with. I didn't have to do that anymore.

    My first day of senior year was one of my best. I never expected to have such a wide grin smile on my face. It felt good to be happy for once, to not constantly be missing somethings.

   I get it, I get it.. you've heard this probably a million times and after this I swear I'm done. Andrew Hills is finally out of prison, and I just can't get over the fact that he came back to me.

   After everything that he's been through, partially because of me.. no.. mainly because of me, he still came back.

    Ok, now I'm finished.

Moving on.

I shut my locker after I had finished gathering my things. I couldn't keep the goofy smile off my face all day. His very presence made me ecstatic.

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