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  This morning was a total failure. I feel like a total failure. I swear I was going to break up with him, I really was. I wasn't however planning on hearing about how I remind him of his dead mother.

My original plan was to break up with him and just spend Valentine's Day watching greys anatomy with a bowl of ramen. Now I can't even look at a bowl of ramen without wanting to gag.

   I knew he was trying to make me stay but, you don't tell your girlfriend that. That's a little morbid. Is that why we were dating?

   Because I looked like her? Like Mrs. Wood?

  That's a little scary.

   I also had no idea he was going to cry about me leaving him. I saw a glint of anger and I immediately thought he'd blow up on me. Instead he started.. crying.

   Have you ever seen a 15 years old guy cry? Yeah it's not very common.

   I'll eventually try and break up with him again, but I couldn't drop the bomb when he got all emotional over a recent death. That's a thoughtless and terrible thing to do.

   I rushed out of my double period of math eager to get on with my day. It had an absolutely mortifying start and I just wanted to go home. I rushed up the stairs with Mara stopping at my locker. "Ashley you never do your homework."

    "I know Mara." I sighed.

"Well you can't just go along copying my answers." Mara lectured. It wasn't really a lecture but she sounded a little annoyed.

   "Well sorry I never have time to do it." I was not in the mood for this at all. Sorry Mara but if you don't drop this I will physically throw you out the window.

   "Do your own work ne-" she started.

  "Okay Mara! I get it." And with that I slammed my locker leaving her behind. Both Colleen and Mara exchanged a look as I continued down the hallway.

   Language arts was next and I knew that If Andrew was here today I'd get questions. Great. Another disappointment.

   I know what your thinking. If I don't want to be with him I just shouldn't. But until you've felt the guilt that I have this morning, you wouldn't understand.

   It wasn't the right time.

I slumped in my desk chair crossing my arms. I looked at the clock to see it was 11:20. Why does today have to go by so slow?

   I just want to go home and get away from everyone. I just hate it here.

   Is it too late to be homeschooled?

"Ash.." I heard from next to me. I didn't even notice him resting his head on his hand. "What's wrong?"

   I turned towards him with an irritated expression on my face trying hard not to start screaming and crying. I'm just so aggravated.

"Did you talk to him?" I saw the concern in his face and I could tell that he'd be confused with my decision.

    "Yeah this morning." I answered taking a deep breath. I took out my ponytail, readjusting it.

   "How'd it go?" I didn't answer thinking of ways to tell him. "Ashley did you break up with him?" He raised his eyebrows in a 'you-better-have' way.

"I tried Andrew! I really tried!" I blurted out.

"What the- ashley!" He hissed. "You know that he's emotionally unstable right?"

"I told him Andrew, I told him we needed to break up but.."

"But what?" Andrew asked interrupting me.

"He wouldn't accept it! Josh said I reminded him of his mom.." I said the last part slowly.


"Andrew his mom died last year." Andrew's eyes widened in shock as I explained what happened. It seemed to piss him off and I didn't know what to say to calm him down.

"That's messed up ash.." he responded after a few minutes. "You don't say that to a girl."

"I felt so bad. I couldn't just break up with him then."

"You will break up with him soon though, right?" I felt my heart pounding against my chest. "He's dangerous ashley."

"Of-ofcourse, I just felt so guilty for some reason."

"You don't have anything to feel guilty about B, that bastard does." Andrew hissed. Everyone around us were talking while the teacher was on the phone.

"I don't know what to do." I said.

"I can talk to him."

"No! We both know there wouldn't be any talking going on."

"Well when will you end it? I care about you too much, I don't want to see you get hurt again." He whispered. I smiled at him as our eyes connected. "It's my fault for not going in with you."

What is he talking about?

"No it's not, I started hitting him."

"No ashley it is. I was there and I should've gone in there with you, and I didn't." He looked into my eyes sadly. He can't seriously think this is his fault.

"Don't blame yourself Andrew, none of this is your fault." I put a hand on his shoulder looking into his dark eyes. He didn't seem too convinced but he managed a genuine smile.

"I wish I had went in there with you."

He grabbed my hand from his shoulder intertwining our fingers. I felt a tingly sensation take over my body. Well this is new.

"No one especially Josh will ever hurt you again. I'll make sure of it." I felt like crying again but I held it in. I wasn't about to bawl my eyes out like a baby in front of my entire class.

I need to keep in mind that we aren't alone in the room. Honestly why am I so emotional?

"Good." I smiled tightening my grip on his hand. He smirked looking down at our hands.

What would I do without him?

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