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Andrew's P.O.V

I slammed my locker, feeling like an absolute idiot.

I tried talking to ash but I failed. I'm a freaking failure. I can't keep a good thing in my life for more than a few days before losing it.

What was I thinking going to Tasha's in the first place?

"Hey baby!" A high pitched voice shrieked. She wrapped her bony arms around my torso, and my skin was crawling from her touch.

"What do you want?" I boomed pushing her away. Her smile faded as she retracted her hands immediately.

With a hand on her hip she retorted, "that's not how you talk to the mother of your child."

Is she being serious with me right now?

"Buzz off." I waved her away, making my way down the hall.

"Andrew wait!" I stopped in my tracks to see her chase after me. I was having some doubts on whether or not she was actually pregnant or not. Her breasts did look larger than usual.

Tasha Hailand was particularly flat if you get my drift. You could mistake her for an iron board, no joke. Her feet looked slightly swollen in her sandals.

The symptoms of pregnancy were clearly shown but why do I feel so suspicious?

I tried to remember the first time. The first time was just two or three months ago. Back in December we would just go out, none of that other stuff.

I had her totally convinced that I was into her, she wanted to take that next step. I was and still am completely hung up on ashley. For as long as I could remember she was the only girl I cared about.

I think of her all the time, it's actually becoming an issue. Is this even healthy?

I don't really care either way.

My point is, I didn't want to go further than kissing Tasha. Every time I'd try there was a set back. I couldn't help but think about ash.

I was unable to do what I've always done. I haven't slept with anyone especially not Tasha, until Valentine's Day. The heart ache I felt that day did it for me. I was unable to control what I was feeling.

I needed to blow off some steam. The fact that she had rejected me, had killed me inside. On top of all that, losing my brother was horrific. All in the same day.

That was only back in February. It's almost May, and Tasha looks more far along than that. She's at least four months pregnant at most.

"How do you know this is my kid?" I asked in curiosity. She stopped walking, my question taking her by surprise.

"I just know Andrew." She replied.

What in the world? You can't just know who's it is, it isn't even born yet.

"Well how far along are you?"

"What's with all these questions?" She asked nervously. I hate her shrilly voice.

"Just answer question." I demanded.

"Almost five months.. why?" I froze in my tracks. Five months. A smile spread across my face in my sudden realization.

Thank god.

I looked at her now confused expression. Tasha had a slightly guilty look on her face, mixed in with confusion. "What's the matter with you?"

"That's not my baby." I laughed. That's not my kid!

Im not responsible!

"Y-yes it is.. what the heck are you talking about?" She tried to sound angry but I saw right through her act.

"It can't be. We didn't do 'it' in January." I stated. Tasha's face turned a nervous shade of red. I caught her in her own lie. Everything began to fall into place in that moment. "But why would you lie like that? You cost me my relationship with ashley!" I yelled.

"I had to do it babe! I was losing you." She pleaded. "That skank was taking you from me."

"That's hilarious since your the one that got pregnant." Wow real smooth Andrew. I'm so proud. She scowled at me for a brief second before opening her mouth to say something. Instead I cut her off. "But tell me.."

She looked at me, curious as to what other questions I had for her. "Who's is it then?"

Who was this guy?

"That's none of your business." She screamed. That's funny considering you dragged me into this mess.

"You better tell me!" I threatened pulling out my phone.

"Or what?"

I scrolled through my camera roll at a screenshot I took of a particular picture she had sent me. I turned my phone showing her my leverage. "Or I send this out. Take your pick." Her face lost its' color for a minute before I saw defeat in her eyes.

Crossing her arms, she rolled her mascara lined eyes at me. "Fine."

"Who's. Is .it?"

It was silent.

"Josh Woood." Tasha whispered. My eyes widened and my jaw practically hit the floor. This was priceless!

"No way!" I laughed, walking away from her. The main reason I was laughing, was out of pure joy. I thought I'd lost all my chances with ash.

I ran down the hall as fast as I could, passing my classmates, and a few teachers that yelled for me to slow down. I kept going, running down the flight of stairs.

I have to find ashley. I have to explain myself for real this time. I'm getting her back, and there was nothing anyone could do to stop me this time.

I ran through the crowd of students trying to find a certain blonde. I stopped when I made it outside. I scanned the crowds of students clustering together. No ashley.

I ran to the parking lot, desperately trying to find this girl. My girl.

Where was she?

I finally spotted her getting into a light blue van with her friend. "Ashley Freely!" I yelled.

At this point she had already been in the car, as it drove off. Did she not hear me?

Dang it.

I charged for my black Mazda, trying to follow it. I started the engine, waiting for the line of cars to pass. The line went extremely slow, and I had no way of leaving the parking space.


I impatiently waited for an opportunity to leave. Minutes later I sped down the busy road heading for Ashley's house.

After all this mess she put me through, she better take me back.


Your welcome.

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