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   I made my way to my locker, excited to tell my friends about my weekend. I mean who wouldn't be?

   If the guy that you really like took you out on a date and kissed you, wouldn't you be excited? Yeah that's what I thought.

    I still can't believe that he finally kissed me. I'm pretty convinced that it was all a dream. There's no way a kiss could feel so good.

   I mean I've had other boyfriends before Josh, but it just felt forced or awkward. It always felt unnatural or.. weird.

    Well duh, dating in middle school and my early years in high school is obviously going to be awkward.

This is different however.

   For the first time, I feel like I'm with the right person. Sure, it's only been two days but even before we kissed. Our friendship was so strong. Almost as if we'd known each other our whole lives.

    As corny as it sounds, I felt happy when I was around him, as much as I hated to admit it. For the first time I know that I'm not making a mistake. Hopefully my instincts aren't deceiving me.

     "Hey ashley." Colleen said walking up next to me.

   "Colleen I have so much to tell you!" I beamed, tugging onto her arm.

   "Well someone looks happy." She said. We put in our locker combinations, as I told her about everything that happened. From the disgusting food at surf taco, to that first kiss, all the way into when he came over Saturday.

   Colleen looked at me with her jaw practically down to the floor. Just talking about it made me feel so excited. I don't think I've ever been this happy about a guy before.

   When Josh asked me out it wasn't a huge deal since it was over snapchat, and I didn't really like him at first. He just kind of asked me out, and we went from there.

   This however, this is different. Far more different than anything I've ever experienced. Yeah I know, he's just a guy and it's not like we're officially dating, but you have to understand that this is Andrew Hills we're talking about here.

    "Hey." I heard a voice whisper in my ear. The source of the voice wrapped his arms around my waist, kissing my cheek. I turned to face him, to see that it indeed was Andrew.

   My goodness, the things he makes me feel.

   "Hi." The corners of my mouth turned up into a full on smile. I wrapped my arms around his neck. His hands gently gripping both of my hips.

    "I'll see you later ash." Colleen says doing an eyebrow dance. I rolled my eyes still feeling all giddy inside. Giddy, is that even a word?

   She walked away looking back at me every few seconds. "So I've been thinking.."

   "What have you been thinking?" I asked pushing a loose strand of dark hair away from his face.

    "I was thinking that maybe I can help you with your driving today." Andrew suggested.

  "Oh yeah?"


  "You don't think I'm a good driver?" I joked, pretending to get offended. 

   "Well I mean, considering you've never driven before.. there's really no way of knowing." He smirked.

   "Good point, sounds like a plan."

"Ight, good I'll meet you at your locker at the end of the day." He replied. I got up on my tippy toes giving him a small peck on the lips.

  "Okay." I agreed. The bell went off, but I didn't really care.

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