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I woke up the next morning in my bed, still in dress I wore last night. I was tucked in under the covers. How did I get here?

All I remember is passing out in a car. A very familiar looking car. It had leather seats and tinted windows..

Wait.. was that.. ANDREWS CAR?

Everything was slowly starting to come back to me from last night. I remembered Liam and I dancing, and never have I ever. I also remembered what happened after that.. upstairs.

Or rather, what almost happened. Oh my god! I almost got taken advantage of! My thoughts went back, remembering how Andrew came in and saved me.

He came in and beat the crap out of him. I'm so happy he came when he did because I don't know what I would've done if it went further. I'd wake up with so much guilt.

I opened my eyes, facing the window. I squinted at how bright it was. My head started pounding, almost as if my heart were beating in my brain.

I groaned stuffing my face into my floral printed pillow. What is going on?

I was startled by footsteps and a deep well known voice. "Your up." What?

I took a peek at him holding a glass of water an one hand and two pills in the other. "How did u get into my house?" I asked sitting up. No I actually have no idea how he got in.

"I brought you home last night, and since no one would be here with you I just slept downstairs." Andrew answered. "You didn't look like you've ever had alcohol before." He smirked.

Wait.. he slept here? Why am I just finding this out?

"So we had a sleepover pretty much?" I narrowed my eyes.

"Yeah something like that."

"What about Tasha? Won't she be pissed that your hanging out with me?"

"I told her already but I'm picking her up later." He replied, and I just nodded feeling a tugging feeling in my heart.

I pushed the covers off of me, adjusting my dress as I stood up. "My head feels like its going to explode!"

I rubbed my hand on my forehead wincing in pain. Andrew stood there laughing at me as he handed me the pills and the water. "It's called a hangover." He chuckled. "This is just some aspirin."

"Well that explains why I feel like a piece of garbage." I put the aspirin in my mouth, washing it down with water.

"I made breakfast if your hungry."

I had no idea he could cook! I swear he knew how to do everything.

"Andrew I'm starving what do mean?"

"Okay come on." He said. We both made our way downstairs into the kitchen where he had set up the table. Maybe he's not mad at me anymore.

Andrew pulled out a chair for me, waiting until I sat down. He took the seat right across from me. On the table there were scrambled eggs, a plate of bacon and a small stack of pancakes. Oh my..

We both served ourselves, taking some eggs and a few strips of bacon. I took two pancakes, putting them on my plate. He poured me some orange juice that I had in my fridge. He really outdid himself.

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