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I pushed the doors open, not caring about the attention I had drawn to myself. The receptionist was on the phone, but paused as I neared the desk with a tear stained face.

I was fully aware of my runny mascara but disregarded it. That was the least of my concerns for the moment. All I cared about was getting to Andrew.

What everyone else thought was irrelevant.

"Can I help you with something?" The overweight women questioned with a monotonous expression.

"I'm here to see Andrew Hills." I stated wiping away the escaped tears.

"Hold on a second." She had put up a chunky finger, motioning for me to wait. I stood there as I watched her continue on with her conversion. I could be wrong but this phone call didn't seem to be about work. "I know right? And my mother was telling me about that too." She laughed, twirling the spiral cord through her fingers.

Yeah um.. not work related at all.

Are you kidding me? This women is about to get beat. I swear I will pick up a freaking chair and throw it to her. I cleared my throat waiting for a reaction.

She briefly looked at me, still on the phone before talking again. She chatted away and with every passing second I grew even more irritated. Somebody stop me from going over there and strangling her down to the ground, because I swear I will.

"Excuse me.. " I spoke louder, to make sure the sound of my voice made it past the thick layer of wax in her ears. I swear she is deaf.

"Hold on Cheryl." She draped the phone over her shoulder sending me a glare. "Yes?"

She was a little annoyed with me but I didn't care. She was the freaking receptionist of this place. It's not my fault she's not doing her job.


"I'm here to see Andrew Hills." I repeated trying to keep my cool.

"And what do you want me to do about that?"

"Uh.. can I see him?" I questioned with more of an attitude. This damn woman is starting to get on my nerves and there was no telling what I would do if she pulled the last straw.

All I can say is that she better start doing what she's being paid to do. That's all I'm saying for the time being.

She hung up the phone, with an eye roll. I clenched my fists to keep myself from pulling out her full head of bleach blonde split ends. Just get a haircut!

I took a few deep breaths, trying to calm my growing nerves. It's enough that Andrew's been arrested, I'm not trying to join him.

Sorry, Andrew...

The aggravating lady, dialed a short number holding the phone up to her ear. "Hi um, some child is here to see an Anthony Mills?"

"Andrew Hills!" I practically screamed at her. Ugh already five minutes in here and I already want to kill this women. Who does she think she's calling child? She can go get hit by a massive bus for all I care.

"Andrew Hills?" She corrected herself, glaring at me. I gave her a bratty look just to piss her off even more. I couldn't really do much since she was a police officer.

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