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Andrew's P.O.V

I slowly pulled the wooden door open, feeling my heart pounding against my chest. Taking a few deep breaths I did all I could to conceal the heavy anxiety that took control over me.

Right in front of me there stood three police officers. Dressed in their navy uniforms, holding their badges. "Is there a problem officer?" I asked calmly.

I have a freaking bad feeling about this. Whatever the reason they were here for, was definitely not good.

"Andrew Hills?" The taller one in the middle asked, ignoring my question. I gulped down, trying to call myself down.

From the outside, you wouldn't know that I was flipping out on the inside. Right now, all I want to do is ram my head against a wall.

"Yes?" The same policeman pulled out a folded piece of paper showing me the document. Yet again he disregarded my question continuing with what he was saying.

"We've had anonymous complaints about there being some criminal activity going on." He continued, looking straight into my eyes.


"Criminal activity?" My face scrunched. What kind of criminal activity is he talking about?

"We've been granted a search warrant, based off these beliefs." Search warrant?

What is happening right now?

I don't know what to do. Like an idiot, I just stood there frozen on the spot. What is going on?

"Alright uh, come in." It took everything in me to maintain my composure. I thought of why all of a sudden the police department is showing up at my door.

For a moment I was almost completely clueless until I finally remembered.

"The warrant is for your car." The one on the left spoke. Behind them, I saw my black Mazda parked in the driveway. Police cars left in the front of my house.

This is going to be a disaster.

"No problem follow me." I cleared my throat, watching as they had all step aside. I slowly and steadily made my way to the driver side door.

I fumbled through my jean pockets, reaching for my keys. The jingling noise sounded when the feeling of the hard thin metal came in contact with my fingertips.

The pressure was building up inside me, as I tried to concentrate on unlocking the car. I took more deep breaths trying to contain my nerves.

"Would you step aside sir?" The tall one from before inquired in a stern tone. I nodded as I pulled the car door open.

I watched as they pulled apart every part of my black car. The newspapers I left on the passenger side, the travel bag I had loaded into my car last week, everything.

Every item in the storage compartments was thrown out onto the black pavement. Right in front of me, these policemen were tearing my car apart at the seams and there was nothing I could do about it.

Whatever they were trying to find hadn't been found even after roughly, a half hour. I felt the light buzzing of my phone knowing it was ashley. I took one last glance at the officers currently searching for the one piece of evidence that proved me guilty. The one piece of evidence that would send me away.

I pulled out my phone seeing the text notifications, surely enough from Ashley. I knew that I said I was on my way so she was probably just worried.

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