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I sat at my usual seat during lunch across from Colleen and Mara. Ava was right beside me eating her sandwich. I was currently spreading the tomato sauce on my pizza lunchable.

   I'm not even joking, these things are so good. I could live off of these small pizzas. I carefully placed each small pepperoni in their significant spot. I left the cheese in the plastic tray looking thing.

    I honestly hate cheese. Okay, once in a while I'll eat it but it just gives me a terrible stomach ache. Hmm.. I guess that's why it's called lactose intolerance. Well duh.

    I didn't take my pills for that today so I wouldn't be eating any lactose today. That means no ice cream, cheese, milk, none of that.

   Ugh, did I mention how much I hate pizza? The lunchables pizzas are probably the only pizza I could actually stomach, considering it's not even pizza. It's pretty much just bread sauce and pepperoni, and cheese if I feel up to it.

    "You always bring those in." Mara pointed to my childish lunch. I jokingly rolled my eyes bringingbthe food up to my mouth. I opened my mouth slightly wide to take a decent sized bite. The sauce ran down my lip. I quickly grabbed my nearby napkin before it could stain my flannel.

    "Is my lunch bothering you Mara?" I teased drinking from my water bottle.

   "No it's just something I noticed." I watched as Mara took another bite out of her bread roll.

   "Well your always bringing rolls of bread in tin foil to school."

   "Well I'm sorry that I'm too lazy to make myself a sandwich." Mara laughed.

   "Mara I wake up every morning at six in the morning and make myself a sandwich every single day!" Ava explained. Yeah Mara, if Ava can do it you can do it.

   "Your point?" She questions, pushing the tin foil further down. Wouldn't want to eat aluminum now do we Mara?

    "My point is.. get off your lazy butt and make a decent sandwich! It's really not that hard." Ava chuckled, staring at Mara confused face.

   "But that's so much work. I'm honestly okay with plain bread."

   "Your hopeless." Colleen face palmed. We all started laughing at this pointless conversation. There's no way you can get Mara to do anything more than what she absolutely has to do. No joke she's probably the best underachiever I know.

     It got a little quiet. We sat there in silence, eating our lunch until I decided that I should speak up. "Guys guess what."

    "What." Ava asked first. Colleen knew more than the other two of our friends but I still didn't tell her about Monday. It wasn't much to tell but it made me happy.

    "So um.. Andrew and I are on good terms again." I announced. Colleen widened her eyes along with Ava and Mara.

   "Even after.." She didn't say the full sentence since the other two didn't know yet. I thought it was best that unless I had to I wouldn't tell them. I didn't really want them to know about it. It hurt to keep repeating it.

   "About time don't you think?" Ava stated.

    "I know I missed Andrew so-" I stopped talking when my friends all widened their eyes. They look above my head, signaling that we weren't exactly alone. Crap..

   I cleared my throats slowly turning around, looking up at a smirking Andrew Hills. Whoops, maybe I shouldn't have said his name that loud.

    "Are you talking about me freely?" Andrew squints at me.

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