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"Okay what can I get you both?" The young lady asks.

"Bucatini With Marinara and Ricotta for both of us please." He looked at her and she nodded writing it down.

  "I just have to say, you guys are such a cute couple!" She exclaimed. My heart pounded in my chest.

  I was not expecting that.

"We're n-" I started to say.

"Thank you." Andrew responded reaching for my hand. Our fingers were intertwined and I was suddenly was unable to move. "She's always been my better half."

  All I could do was smile at her. "Aw, Well I'll be back shortly with your food, enjoy your time." And with that she proceeded to the next table.

  "See? We'd make a cute couple." He joked with a head nod.

   "Oh shut up, I already have a boyfriend." I replied with a laughed and an eye roll.

   "He doesn't count, if you're going to break up with him."

   "Yeah but.."

"There are no buts. Josh dirtbag Wood doesn't count as your boyfriend. Hevdoesn't count as anything." Andrew lectures, our hands still connected.

   "Your right." I replied taking a sip of my iced tea. Damn, this may be the best iced tea I've ever had.

   It didn't taste like the pre-made kind or the cheap ones in the mix. This was legitimate, home-brewed iced tea. I'm amazed.

   "But seriously though? I'm your better half?" I let go of his hand, breaking into uncontrollable laughter.

   "What? It's true.. and hey she believed it didn't she?"

   "Yeah but still.." I started laughing again. Andrew just sat there in amusement of my reaction.

   "Your laugh is so cute." He changed the subject.

   "Are you kidding me? I sound like a dying bird."

   "I think it's kind of cute in a 'dying-bird' sort of way." Andrew mocked.

   "Your so full of it." He took a sip of his drink. I observed as the bubbles from the soda made their way to the top in an endless loop. It was a clear drink with a slice of lime mixed in with the ice. "Is that good?"

   "Yeah you wanna try?" He offered his drink to me.

   "Let me switch out the straws." I began to pull out my straw.

  "It's fine I don't care." He pushed the glass over to me and I slowly took a sip from the plastic straw.

   The second it touched my tongue I winced from how sour it was. The amount of lime and soda created an unbearable sour taste. I was never into sour things, so I should've known better.

  This ones on me.

I began to cough, and Andrew just sat back in his chair laughing at me. "What, you don't like it?"

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