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I'd been woken up by Colleen persistently shaking me awake. Her voice beckoning me to get up. There's no way your getting me out of this bed. "Ashley I swear to god, if you don't get up I'll-"

   "Shut up!" I groaned, burying my face into my pillow. I had slept over Colleen's house last night, pretty much drowning my feelings in cookies and cream ice cream.

   I don't know what I would've done if I went home. My parents as usual were out of town and had taken Chris with them. I might as well just live alone. They're never around anymore.

    "Honey, I know your hurt but you need to get up." Colleen soothed, playing with my hair. "It's the last day of spring break! Let's do something."

   "Leave me alone!" My voice was muffled. Why didn't I see yesterday coming? Tasha's all over the place lately, who would expect any different?

    "Cmon ash.. we can watch a movie or go bike riding.. whatever you want. I won't let you sit here and mope around over that jerk."

   "I hate Tasha with all my heart!" I cried. "I hope she gets hit by an airplane!"

    "I'm with you on that one." Colleen agreed. "Alright, get up. You smell like.. death."

    " Cause death is how I feel." I whimpered.

She pulled me by the arm, practically dragging me to the bathroom. "Take a shower and brush your teeth. Be ready in a half hour.. or else." She warned.

    I groaned, giving in. I wanted to just strangle that slut with my bare hands! Who does Tasha think she is?

   And Andrew, don't even get me started on him. I want to run him over with a freaking school bus. GAHHHHH!

     I stripped out of yesterday's clothes, turning on the shower. I made sure the water was ice cold before getting in. When I'm pissed off a cold shower usually helps in a way.

    I knew something was going to happen. I knew it wouldn't go like I'd planned for it to happen. Tasha just had to be there the same night that I wanted to fix things between us.

    I shampooed and conditioned my hair u see the cold water. Thinking about yesterday just triggered my emotions. I cupped my mouth, trying to keep my cries silent. I needed to forget about him.

   If I didn't lose my feelings for him, if I don't cut all ties this whole situation will ruin me. Both mentally and emotionally.

    I wish I'd never met him. I just wish he'd never shown an interest in me. This never would've happened if he never pulled out that god damn knife in the first place.

    For all I know I probably never would've met him. In some ways that would've been better, but I just can't help feeling destroyed. I'm just so attached to Andrew Hills that I still love him.

    We've never even kissed and I'm full on head over heals in love and all that crap. I'm consumed with this sucky love feeling and it won't go away. I'm completely obsessed with him.

    As creepy as it sounds, I dream of him every night. I think about him every night. And I hate to admit it but.. I even fantasize about him EVERY NIGHT!

     All this time apart, has given me just enough time to develop an unhealthy addiction, infatuation, whatever you want to call it. I never even knew you could like.. no.. love someone this much. I can't imagine what it'd feel like if we ever kissed.


Don't think of him that way. He's moved on from you.

    It's low that he got over me by getting with Tasha like 24/7. It just a huge down grade. Honestly though, how low can you go bud?

   To answer my own question he's pretty down to earth. Ha ha get it? Ugh what's wrong with me.

    I finally turned the shower off, grabbing my towel. I wrapped it around my wet body walking towards the mirror. Colleen set a newly packaged tooth brush on the bathroom counter for me to use.

    Brushing my teeth I avoided looking at my own reflection. I don't want to know how terrible I look. I don't even really care but I just don't want to see my own face.

    I changed into a new set of clothes that she'd picked out for me. Black cropped leggings and and a tank top. I left the bathroom to see an impatient looking Colleen getting up from her bed.

   "What the hell ash! It's been an hour and a half!" Whoops.


"Forget about it, let's get something to eat." She sighed.

    Andrew flashed into my mind and I felt tears starting to form for probably the billionth time in the past few hours. I refuse to cry over him.. again. I clenched my jaw forcefully wiping away my petty tears. You are not going to sit here and feel sorry for yourself.

     "French toast?" She offered me at the table. I nodded slowly as she put it onto my plate. I wasn't hungry but I didn't want to be rude. Every time I thought of eating I felt like throwing up. Even brushing my teeth made me feel sick to my stomach.

    I took a slow bite of the syrup drenched, powdered piece of toast. I slowly chewed it drifting off into space. I closed my eyes and yet  another image of Andrew had appeared.

    Why can't he just leave me alone?


    Sucky chapter, let's not even go there.

    More possibly later if I feel inspired. If not tomorrow definitely.

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