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Waking up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock, my neck and shoulders were strangely sore. I either slept a little weird or it was from all those long hours of dance.

I'm suspecting that I was moving a lot considering that my bed covers weren't even on my bed. I turned my head to the side spotting my floral printed covers in a pile on the floor.

That's why I'm so cold. I had on a pair of thin material pajama shorts and a tank top along with Andrew's coat. The smell of axe and weed? Whatever it was, Andrew smelt like it.

I almost forgot about my alarm clock blaring, before pressing the snooze button. I sat up in my bed, memories of what I saw on Andrew's story. I felt a pit in my stomach along with a deep sadness.

I almost forgot about Andrew and Tasha. Maybe it's nothing.

My eyes watered at the thought of him spending time with her. I pushed back the upcoming tears, getting up from my bed. I grabbed my phone about to text him.

I put in the four digit pass code, launching my text messages. Pressing on Andrew's name I began to type him a short message.

Me: Andrew can we talk?

I wasn't satisfied so I typed another one.

Me: I'm so sorry Andrew I really need to say some things.

I knew that he'd probably not even answer. Won't even check it, but it's worth a try. I need to see him, to talk to him.

Lately he's all I could think about. Never mind focusing on my schoolwork and dance. I didn't care about any of those things. The only thing I cared about was making things right with my friend. My best friend.

I nervously set my iPhone seven plus on my bedside table. I made my way into the bathroom to get ready for school.


For the next couple of days I've been non stop texting and calling him, and yep you guessed it.. no answer. Either he dropped his phone in the freaking toilet or he's planning on ignoring em for the rest of his life.

In math class I snuck another few texts to him. If you were to scroll up into our messages you'd only see messages from me.

They were all marked as delivered. He didn't even care to respond or at least view them. If he knew how sorry I was about Valentine's Day, he'd surely at least hear me out.

Mr. Connery sat in his desk chair, typing on his computer. We've been assigned a packet to work on. I wasn't really paying attention in class when he was explaining it so I didn't really even know what was in this packet.

Something about the Pythagorean theorem or something like that. Everyone flipped through the packet, writing down numbers and words or what ever it is that your supposed to write down.

I just sat there with my head leaning on my hand. I stared at question number one with a pencil in my hand. I was sure of what I was even looking at.

It was a triangle, I can tell you that much. I couldn't figure out what I was supposed to do with it though. While everyone was busy finishing their work I was having trouble figuring out what the numbers on the side meant.

My body may be physically in the room but my mind is anywhere but here. I sneakily checked my phone, creating false hope that he'd actually answer my text message for once.

You never know, maybe he'd actually feel like answering today. Maybe he's in a good mood today.

Sadly he didn't even view the text.

I pushed my work to the side, staring outside the window into the glass hallway. It brought back memories from when I first saw him. The mystery that came along with his acknowledgement. I can't believe just a few months ago I was wondering who he was, and here I am.. falling for him.

The guy that I swore that I hated. The guy that I blamed for making my life a living disaster. For being so.. problematic. When really he's made my life more interesting an he helped me see Josh for what he really was.

If it weren't for him I never would've seen the hidden side of him. Andrew helped me uncover what he was really like. Who knows what would've happened if I didn't find out, if I hadn't been able to catch on to the signs.

I stared off into space not realizing that two tall figures had just walked passed in the hallway. How did I miss that?

I looked over at the door, only to see the faces of who it was. The principal walking alongside a familiar face. It was Andrew.

My eyes widened in shock of what I just saw, or rather who I just saw. Was it really him? Was he actually here?

Hold on, wait a minute.. I'm probably just seeing things. I'm so desperate to see him in person, to explain myself that.. I'm imagining him?

This is insane! What is wrong with me? Am I really that desperate? So desperate that I'm actually hallucinating? Wow I have major issues I need to work out.

Somebody call an ambulance, to come rescue me.

What if it was him? Today could possibly be the day I can explain myself.

Hopefully he's had enough time to get through things.

Today is the day.


I meant to update earlier but as usual I got sidetracked. I'm sorry for this terrible update, but I promise there will be so much that will go on so watch out for that.

Thank you for all your amazing comments and votes! They truly motivate me to continue with this. Never in all of my 2 years on wattpad have I ever made it to over 50 chapters. I love all of you so much!

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