Shouto Todoroki

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The two of you were really good friends, so when he asked to go round to your house, you immediately said yes. You weren't going to lie, you did have a massive crush on him, but you didn't want it to affect your friendship. You hadn't even told your closest friends.

You laughed together on the way, and you guessed he just wanted to get away from his family for a while. It didn't bother you – you would be there for him no matter what.

"My mum will be home, but don't worry, she's really nice!" You informed, making him smile.

"I hope she'll like me." He said.

"Of course she will! She'll love you!"

He really hoped so. After all, he did want her permission to date you.

When you stepped through the door, you called out to your mother. She came rushing, happy to see you with a friend. She recognised him from the Sport's Festival, and complimented you on your choice of boy to bring home. She gave you a wink, causing you to sigh and roll your eyes.

"Hello dear, it's nice to meet someone I've heard so much about." Your mother offered him a hand.

He went to shake it, and said "Hello mum."

All three of you paused. Your face was burning, your mother's eyes were twinkling, and Shouto seemed to be deep in thought. He took his hand back, and corrected himself.

"Sorry, I meant ma'am."

Your mother turned to you.

"He's a keeper." She stated.

Both of you now had complete admiration visible in your eyes, and you were looking at Shouto like he was the world. Your blush was still there, but as your gazes met, all you could mumble out was, "Agreed."

He appeared taken aback, and decided that was his chance. He looked at your mother, before clearing his throat.

"I'd like to court your daughter."

[Word Count: 318]

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