Katsuki Bakugou

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Requested by: total_otaco


Your boyfriend was currently acting like you didn't exist - it was as if you had disappeared off the face of the Earth, and he was simply carrying on with his life. You were practically seething; that was such a dick move!

He didn't appear at all bothered by the fact that you were parading around him, trying to gain his unwavering attention. He was far too busy focusing on trivialities, like school and training, as well as other people, mostly females. It was pissing you off so much. How dare he pay more mind to Ochaco than to his own girlfriend! You would be having words with that girl, despite knowing she would never betray you like that, and besides, she had a thing for Midoriya, although she refused to admit it.

You huffed dramatically, watching him in the midst of a conversation with said female, from across the room. You were in the living room of the new dormitories, positioned in-between a crimson-haired male and your amphibian friend. They exchanged a worried glance, then both proceeded to wrap their arms around your form. They snuggled into you, causing you to yelp and push your back further into the couch. Your face now complemented Kirishima's dyed hair perfectly. Your mind was spinning, as you wondered what in the hell was actually going on. Kirishima moved his lips, so that they were pressed against your warm ear. He was so close you could feel his sharp teeth on your sensitive skin. You had to restrain your surprised gasps.

"It's Bakugou, isn't it?" He laughed.

Your blush only deepened.

"Do you think we could make Bakugou-chan jealous?" Tsuyu asked, rubbing her face into your side.

"...Maybe. I've never - never tried it before." You stated, eyes suddenly ignited by that spark of curiosity.

"Well, he's still talking to Ochaco-chan." The verdant-haired female muttered, unhappily.

Kirishima didn't really want to make you feel uncomfortable, but he also understood that flirting was a necessity in this situation. He had never had any romantic intentions - he simply saw this as his duty as one of your best friends. He knew your explosive boyfriend quite well, being one of the very few people he actually trusted, and being close to both parties, he was usually able to act as mediator. Although, he had to admit that this was a little strange; Bakugou had never neglected you like this before. Sure, he could be impulsive and leave sometimes, but he seemed to be adamant about being in your personal space as much as he could. Bakugou was, unfortunately, a creature of habit, seen perhaps most prominently with his extreme distaste towards Midoriya. There wasn't really much coherent reasoning behind it - after all, the innocent boy genuinely respected and admired him, but he didn't seem at all capable of comprehending that.

Tsuyu on the other hand, was completely fine with anything that might help. She pressed her chest flush against your figure, moving her lips to capture your free ear. She nibbled it a little, gently, so as not to harm you. She was slightly peeved that Ochaco was currently ignoring her in favour of the irritating blonde, so this was sort of like killing two birds with one stone - hopefully if would make both gravity girl and explosion boy jealous.

You moaned softly, jolts of electricity bolting down your spine when they touched you. It was truly breath-taking, and you very nearly forgot all about your boy troubles. However, you were quite forcefully pulled out of your idyllic dream-state by someone's hand. You released an annoyed breath, readying to kill whoever had just interrupted you. Both sets of lips had ceased all movement, and you slowly cracked your (e/c) eyes open. You were greeted with a pair of crimson ones, that malicious, blood-thirsty gleam as intimidating as ever.

Without words, he hauled you off your happy perch, dragging you along as though it were a great chore.

When you reached his dorm room, his grip loosened enough for you to slip out. He inserted a key and opened the door, stepping aside silently, waiting for you to proceed. Gulping, you entered the room. You moved further inwards, hearing the door slam shut. You were now in near-total darkness with your lover. Had the mission been successful?

"We need to talk." He informed, settling on his bed and motioning for you to do the same.

You nodded. "We do."

You could tell that he was trying to remain as calm as possible, but it was really killing him.

"What the hell was that?" He asked, glaring at you.

"What was with you and Ochaco?" You were determined to get your questions answered first.

His eye twitched. "Huh? She was talking to me and being annoying."

"That's certainly not what it looked like." You muttered, sighing.

"Well that's what happened. Did you think I was cheating on you or something?" He snorted.

"Yeah, kinda." You admitted.

He growled, then yanked your arm and brought you down on to the bed with him. He started raking a hand through your hair, softly.

"You idiot, you know I'd never do that."

[Word Count: 860]

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