Shouto Todoroki

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Requested by: Levis-Whattpad


Your relationship had been painstakingly kept a secret for a little over a year now – you were forced to sneak into each other's dorm rooms when there was nobody littering the corridor, and you couldn't even sit next to one another for fear of being caught out. It bothered you so much more than him, because you really didn't want your brother getting suspicious.

It was fairly obvious that he hated the asymmetrical boy's very existence, and you doubted that he would approve of a strong friendship (but especially not a romantic relationship) between the two of you. He had, after all, inherited your mother's personality, while you thankfully got your father's. You still looked identical, being monozygotic twins, but since your dispositions and interests were in stark contrast to each other, you felt that you were unable to confide in him about personal subjects.

"Should we tell Bakugou?" Your lover asked, his voice as monotonous yet heavenly as always.

He was in the process of gently rubbing circles into your thighs, calming you down after a stressful school day. You were eternally grateful to be out of that environment, and somewhere you could be alone with Todoroki.

However, your brows furrowed at his question, and your lips pursed into a line. Being his chosen companion, you prided yourself with being able to read his emotions quite accurately, and lately, it had become rather apparent that he wished to divulge the dynamics of your loving relationship with your brother. He held a slight annoyance for the explosive blonde, but nothing to stop his polite mannerisms; you noticed that he wanted acceptance from someone close to you.

"Shouto, you know how he feels about you. He'll end up hurting you or something." You tried to make him see reason, but his incredibly dense nature was a trait that you both loved and admired, and it had decided now of all times, to block his logic.

He grabbed your hands and squeezed them reassuringly. "It will be fine."



You winced at the volume he was using – it seemed to get louder every second, and you could practically see the smoke billowing out of his ears. Sighing, you started to wonder why you hadn't done more to stop your boyfriend. Although, you soon came to the conclusion that once he set his mind on something, he followed a straight path, not keeping an eye out for any walls that may appear along the way.

This was one of the walls he should have prepared for.

"I'm dating your sister." He responded, pretty sure he'd rehearsed that very same phrase before.

"I HEARD THAT, FUCKER!" Bakugou yelled, his palms sweating profusely.

Todoroki frowned. "Then why did you ask?"

From the side-lines, you attempted to drag the bi-coloured male out of the fray, but he wasn't budging. You looked into his mismatched eyes pleadingly, with your own crimson ones. He stared at you for a few minutes, possibly trying to work out what sassy comment to make next, while simultaneously scolding himself for allowing you to witness this. Maybe he shouldn't have tried convincing the angry hedgehog that he could maintain a passionate, stable relationship with you.

He clearly wasn't buying it.


An annoyed breath of air escaped your lips, and you swiftly slapped a hand over Todoroki's mouth, to stop him from answering with a curt "Yes.".

"Katsuki, please. He just wants your approval." You begged, positioning yourself to take the brunt of any explosions.


His declaration nearly threw you off balance. "But he's going to heaven..."

[Word Count: 609]

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