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I was tagged by Tripz3M

Ten Things About Me:

1) My name is Ella.

2) My passions are anime, Marvel and horror.

3) I have two dogs.

4) My favourite book series is Magnus Chase and The Gods of Asgard.

5) My favourite food is sushi.

6) I have always wanted to live in Japan.

7) I just dyed my hair green.

8) I'm actually really introverted and socially anxious.

9) My zodiac sign is Aquarius.

10) My favourite film is Thor:Ragnarok.

A Joke ~

How long does an owl live?

Six and a half books.


Well, in one of my stories, Shouto's father unwittingly gets him a job in the palace -- and do I sense a forthcoming marriage??

The weirdest thing I have ever done happened in primary school - we had a trolley on which to put all of our lunchboxes, and one day, I took everyone's sweets/chocolate out of their boxes, and put them in mine. I was told off quite badly in front of the entire canteen.

Rule for tagged people:

Say what your scariest experience ever was.


1. smollestnerd

2. _Sir_Cinnamon_

3. YamixAngel

4. Really_Awkward_Teen

5. ManyColorfulFandoms


7. KiroganShiro

8. sweetgirl_r

9. Glace_Queeen

10. luminous_rider6

11. Coterita2408

12. GatekeeperKeep

13. FaithOrdonez

14. Im_Just_Kitten_Shiru

15. Kitsune404

16. cemoras

17. MissEternalFujioshi

18. queening900

19. jokadesu

20. fairytail_4_the_win

21. Pidge1317

22. YoungsterSteez

23. CreepyOrihime

24. JustASaxyCat

25. MissNerdy_Girl20

26. Cookieswirl0

27. RoseOfHumanity

28. Mystical_notes

Oh! -- I'm going on holiday from Sunday to Wednesday, so please don't expect any oneshots during that time, as I won't have access to my laptop!

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