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"I'm so exhausted."

I said, flopping down on the couch.

"At least you got a good workout."

Finn said, kissing my cheek before walking down the hall to check on the kids. He finally came back with Emery in his arms and Aria and Noah by his side.


Aria yelled, running up and hugging me.

"Aria! Mommy is tired!"

I laughed, pulling her on my laugh.

"Why are you so tired?"

Aria asked.

"Cause Daddy kicked my butt in the ring today."

"Why did you kick Mommy's butt Daddy?"

Aria asked Finn.

"Cause Mommy needs to get her butt back in the ring."

Finn said as I laughed.

"Yeah Mommy! Get your butt in the ring!"

Noah exclaimed.

"Why don't you get your butt in the ring?"

I teased him as I tickled him.

"Cause I'm too young!"

He yelled as I laughed. I loved moments like this with my family. This is what I lived for.

Later That Night

"Who's ready for dinner?"

I called into the living room.


Aria called, running into the dining room. Finn and I put all the kids in their chairs and high chairs and served the food before sitting down.

"So Aria, how was school? Did you do anything fun?"

I asked her.

"Yep! We told stories about our families and I told the class about when we watched Daddy at Summerslam!"

She said.

"Aria, you were really young then. How much do you remember?"

Finn asked her.

"I watch it all the time on the network when I'm with Aunt Becky. Along with Daddy's match against Aaron!"

She said, scrunching her face up when she said Aaron's name.

"At least you know Aaron Solow is a very, very bad guy."

I said, smiling at her.

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