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1 Week Later | Finn's POV

"I just can't believe she wanted to go live with them. I've always been here for Aria and she just wants Bayley."

I said.

"Well Finn, that's her Mom. I know that you guys have an amazing connection with each other but a girl needs her Mom."

Kylie said.

"Well what about Chloe? Or Brooke?"

"Brooke and Chloe are too young to even begin to understand what is going on. Even thought Aria is only nine, she's very smart for her age and knows exactly what's going on."

"I know. I just wish they didn't want to be with her."

I said with a sigh.

"I just hope both of my girls are safe and happy. That's all I want."

I said with a sigh.

"I'm sure they're just fine, Finn."

Kylie said as I sighed.

Bayley's POV

"Morning princesses."

Aaron said as Aria and I walked out of the bedroom.


Aria yelled, hopping on the couch next to him.

"How do you have so much energy this morning?"

I yawned as I sat down.

"Because you guys go on the road tomorrow and I wanna hang out with you guys!"

Aria whined.

"And what do you wanna do?"

I asked her.

"Can we just watch movies all day?"

Aria whined.


I said, looking up at Aaron.

"Anything for my baby girl."

I said, kissing Aria's cheek.

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