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Time Jump | 2 Months Later

"You like your room?"

I asked Aria as I carried a box into her room.

"I love it Mommy. Thank you."

She said, hugging me. I bought Aria and I an apartment after the whole Finn thing. Aria was really upset and she still doesn't like Finn till this day.

"You're welcome, baby. I'm gonna go finish unpacking then I'll make us some dinner."

I said, walking across the hall to my room. I unpacked my boxes as I heard my phone ring.

"Hey sister."

I said, answering my phone.

"Hey. How's the move?"

Sasha asked.

"Pretty good. We're almost done."

I said as I opened the box of pictures.

"Have you talked to Finn recently?"

Sasha asked.


"Aria still hate him?"

"With a burning passion."

I said with a sigh.

"That's sucks. A girl needs her dad."

"I know."

I said with a sigh. I looked through the photos in the box as I took a deep breath.

"What's wrong?"

Sasha asked.

"Just...old photos of Finn and I."

I said.

"You gonna put them up?"

Sasha asked.

"Not right now. Maybe later on but...not right now."

I said, throwing the pictures of Finn and I back into the box.

"So, are you gonna get back on the dating scene anytime soon?"

Sasha asked.

"Not right now. I just wanna focus on having a great relationship with Aria and becoming a champion again. That's all that matters to me. I don't know what Finn is focusing on, but it doesn't matter to me."

I said with a sigh.

"Alright, I'll let you go."

Sasha said.

"Alright. I'll talk to you later."

I said before hanging up.

"Oh, Aria!"

I called, walking into her bedroom.

"You hungry?"

I asked her.

"Um, Mommy?"

She asked.


I asked her as she handed me her phone. Finn and I got her one of those little phones that only text and call certain numbers since she wanted to do stuff after school with friends.

I looked at her phone as I sighed.

"That's Kylie's number. Don't answer whatever she said, okay?"

"Got it."

Aria said as I deleted the message. I had no idea how she got my daughter's number but all I knew was I was getting it changed and soon...

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