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"So, when do I get the money for this bet?"

I teased Sasha and Sami as Sasha rolled her eyes.

"Shut up."

Sasha said, glaring at me.

"You love me."

I said with a smile.


Sasha said, rolling her eyes.

"Where's your little boyfriend at?"

Sami asked.

"He's in the waiting room, ass."

I said, crossing my arms.

"Bay, you can't blame us for not liking Adam. He's a good dude, but you belong with Finn."

Sasha said.

"What if I don't belong with Finn?"

I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"But you do Bayley."

"But I don't Sasha. We're so toxic for each other. I'm happy with Adam. I have a clean slate. He accepts my baggage and he accepts me. He's a great guy. Why can't you guys just accept I'm happy?"

I said.

"Bayley, we want you to be happy. But we want you to be with Finn too. We know deep down you still love him."

Sami said.

"Whatever. I'm not gonna sit here and let you two attack my relationship."

I said, standing up.

"Bayley, stop."

Sami said.

"No. You two say you want me to be happy but you really don't. Cause if you did, you would support Adam and I."

I said.

"Bayley, sit down. Go get Adam, bring him in here, both of you sit down and shut up."

Sasha snapped. I rolled my eyes as I brought Adam in the room and we sat down.

3 Hours Later

I rested my head on Adam's shoulder as I bit my lip. The Braxton Hicks were just getting worse and worse but I didn't want anyone to worry.

"You okay Bayley?"

Sami asked, noticing the discomfort on my face. I nodded my head as I bit my lip.

"No you aren't."

Sasha said. Unfortunately, she could read me like a book.

"My stomach is bothering me. That's all."

I said. I scrunched my face up as I felt another contraction.

"Bay, maybe you should go get a doctor."

Sami said.

"I don't wanna leave you two."

I said.

"Bayley, go right now. I know you. Something is up."

Sasha said. I nodded as Adam helped me up. Then I felt my pants get wet.


I mumbled as Adam helped me out to the nurses station.

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