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"I don't want you to go!"

"I don't wanna go either. But, I gotta get back to the kiddos."

Finn said as I sighed.

"Yeah, I know. I love you."

"I love you too. Have fun this week. Don't dread on me or the kids."

Finn said.

"See ya next week."

"See ya."

He said, walking away. Being away from him is so hard, especially in summer when we have more stops.

"You okay?"

I heard someone ask behind me.

"Yeah. I'm fine."

I said, turning around.

"Okay. You just sounded upset."

Aaron said.

"Yeah, well you know how hard it is to leave for Summer tour."

"Yeah, I know."

He said as we walked towards catering.

"So, how are you and Finn?"

"We're good. How about you? Find anyone special yet?"

I teased.

"Nah. I found my special one a long time ago but...it's not important."

He said.

"Well, any girl would be lucky to have you. I'm sure there's some girls that are about to be brought up. Maybe you could use some of that Solow charm on them."

"Please don't bring that back up ever again."

Aaron said with a laugh.

"You mean that awful pickup line you used on me? You gonna fall for my Solow charm?"

I teased him.

"I hate you."

He laughed.

"It's good to be back on good terms. I missed all the good times and laugh you, Ricky, and I had."

I said.

"I missed it too. Maybe you'll have to come travel to one of the arenas with us soon."

"I might just have to."

I said with a smile.

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