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2 Days Later

"You're the cutest Mom I've ever seen in my entire life."

Adam said, kissing my cheek.

"Thank you."

I said, carrying Brooklyn into the nursery.

"You still sore?"

Adam asked, following me.

"A bit."

I said, putting Brooklyn in her crib.

"Why don't you go lay down?"

Adam suggested, kissing my forehead.

"I would love that but then you and Finn will probably kill each other so not an option."

I said.

"We won't. Go lay down. You deserve a break."

Adam said. I walked out of the nursery and headed straight for my bed. Hopefully I could get some sleep...

1 Hour Later

"Bayley? Baby, wake up."

I heard as Adam shook me awake.

"Do I have to?"

I whined.

"Yes, cutie. Cmon, I ordered dinner."

He said. I got up and walked into the nursery.

"Hello precious."

I said, smiling down at Brooklyn.

"Where's Finn?"

I asked, picking Brooklyn up.


Adam said, rolling his eyes.

"Did you two get into it?"


"Over what?"

"He keeps saying that I'm not letting him do anything with Brooklyn but when she was crying, he didn't lift a damn finger."

Adam said.

"Okay, calm down. Let's go downstairs."

I said, carrying Brooklyn out of the room and down the stairs.

"So what's this I hear that you aren't doing anything with Brooklyn?"

I asked Finn. He just stared at his phone.


I said, trying not to yell.


"Are you really ignoring me now? And you aren't doing anything with Brooklyn. You know what, just leave."

I said.


"I said leave. You aren't needed here. If you're gonna be a deadbeat, you aren't gonna be a deadbeat around her. So get out of my house."

I said. Adam took Brooklyn out of my hands as I sighed.

"Whatever Bayley. You think I'm a deadbeat dad? Then whatever. Don't call me when you need help with Brooklyn when Adam leaves your pathetic ass."

Finn said before storming out of the apartment. I glared at the door as I sighed.

"Don't believe him Bay. You aren't pathetic. He is."

Adam said, hugging me. If he thought he was gonna see Brooklyn anytime soon...he was sadly mistaken.

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