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"What are we watching in here?"

I asked, sitting on the couch next to Finn, Adam, and Liam.

"Dirty Dancing."

Liam said.


I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"What?! It's a good movie!"

Liam said as I laughed. We watched on as I rested my head on Adam's shoulder. I scrolled through twitter until I felt someone hit my shoulder.

"How are you on your phone during the best part?"

Liam asked. I looked up at the TV to see the infamous dancing scene. Something Finn and I recreated during NXT when I was with Aaron.

Something struck in me once I saw that. The music. The dance. My heart started racing. All the memories of Finn and I came rushing back. All the love I felt towards him in the last 9 years. How could a scene from a movie send me into a panic attack?

"You okay?"

Adam asked.

"No. I can't breathe. I gotta go."

I said, getting up and running into the bathroom. I ended up throwing up from all my nerves. Did I still have feelings for Finn? No. I couldn't have. I loved Adam. I hated Finn. I was suppose to hate him with everything in me.

But what if I don't?

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