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"Stay here. I'm gonna kick his ass."

Finn said, making me sit in the chair. I was getting anxious. How did he know about this? Does he know the baby could be his? Only Becky, Charlotte, and Finn knew. I sighed as I heard Finn start screaming. I had no idea what he was saying, but just him screaming made me burst into tears.

"Calm down Bay. It's okay."

Sasha said, hugging me.

"What if something happens? I don't want them to fight."

I said, choking on my tears.

"Shh. Calm down. I'm gonna go tell them off."

Sasha said. Then Sami pulled her back.

"No you aren't."

Sami said.

"My best friend is in tears over this."

"Yeah well that's two men fighting and you're both two pregnant girls. I'll go handle it."

Sami said as I covered my face with my hands. Before Sami could even go to the other room, Seth and Finn had moved the argument to the room.

"You know what? Ask your precious wife! Ask her if that's your baby!"

Seth yelled at Finn.

"I already know! I already know it could be yours Seth!"

Finn yelled. Once Finn said that, everyone looked at me. It felt like daggers were being shot through me.


Sasha said in astonishment. But I couldn't say anything. It felt like my airway was closing up. I couldn't breathe. The tears were making my vision blurry. My breathing became rapid. All I heard was a loud beep with muffled voices. I knew Finn and Sasha were trying to talk to me, but I couldn't say anything.

Finn's POV

"C'mon Bayley. Breathe."

Sasha said as I bit my lip. I held her in my arms as she just stared at me with wide eyes. Mella was calling an ambulance. Cass and Enzo were trying to throw Seth out. I just wanted Bayley to start breathing again.

That asshat had too much control over her. I've seen her had panic attacks before, but none were like this.

"Calm down baby. C'mon. Breathe."

I said, rubbing her back.

"I can't breathe."

Bayley said in between sobs. It broke my heart as she struggled to breathe.

"Help is on the way sweetie. Just calm down. Seth is gone. Don't worry."

I said, helping her to the floor and holding her in my lap. Sasha looked at us and sighed.

"It's okay Bay. Everything is okay."

She said as Bay sobbed into my chest.

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