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"How are you feeling?"

Adam asked as I held the ice pack up to my jaw.

"It fucking hurts."

I snapped at him.

"I'm sorry baby. Seriously. I'm so, so, sorry."

"Adam, just leave me alone. Seriously. I know you wanna be all about communication but there's sometimes I don't wanna talk to you."

I said.

"C'mon. Just accept my apology."

"Adam, no. You hit me. You're lucky it's my jaw so I can't yell at you. Just get away from me."

I said.

"Why so you can go be with Finn?"

"Why are you being like this? You've been so sweet these past months so why are you being so controlling and mean this week?"

"Because I'm scared I'm gonna lose you to him!"

"But you're not! Why don't you get that I wanna be with you and you only?"

"Because I'm scared he's gonna make you fall back in love with him! Did you see how you reacted to that stupid movie?! You had a panic attack because of feelings for him. Why?"

"He's my husband. I'm always gonna have feelings for him. I spent 9 years with him. I'm sorry but I'm always gonna love him. If you can't accept that, then maybe I'm not the girl for you."

"Don't say that. You're the girl for me, I promise. I love you. And I'm sorry for being a dick. You know that's not me."

"I know. I love you."

I said, kissing him.

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