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"Guess who I have to tag with this weekend."

I said, sitting next to Finn on the couch as I looked at the schedule for the weekend.



I said, rolling my eyes.


"That's what I said."

I said as I felt my phone buzz.

Sasha 👯‍♀️💜
did you see the schedule? why the hell are you tagging with kylie??

I sighed as I threw my phone onto the couch.

"Don't worry about her. Just go out there and have fun."

Finn said as I laid my legs across his lap.

"I can't just go have fun. I have no idea if she's gonna hurt me or do something to me. I might as well be in a fatal four-way."

I said with a sigh.

"I hate to see you stress like this."

Finn said as he played with my hair.

"I don't even wanna go this weekend."

I said with a sigh.

"I know princess. But you have to go. Don't let her win."

Finn said.

"I swear if she says anything to me that's not wrestling related, I'll kill her."

I said.

"I know you will. Just don't get yourself in trouble."

"I won't. Unless she starts it.l

"Okay Love. I love you."

"I love you too."

I said as Finn kissed the top of my head.

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