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"Get up! It's Christmas!"

Aria yelled, jumping on my bed. I laughed as I sat up.

"What did I tell you about jumping on the bed?!"

I laughed as I pulled her onto my lap.

"Can we open presents Mommy?"

She asked.

"Okay, let's go get Daddy and your siblings and go out to the living room."

I said, standing up. I woke Adam up and we walked out to the living room where everyone was already sitting.

"Let's open presents!"

Aria cheered as she ran over to the tree.

"She's way too excited for me."

I said, rubbing my eyes and sitting down next to Finn on the ground. All the kids started opened presents as we watched on.

"Here. This is for you."

Adam said, handing me a box. I opened the box to find a small ring inside it.

"It's a promise ring."

Adam said, taking it out of the box.

"I promise to love you and Brooklyn till the end of time."

He said, slipping the ring on my finger.

"Thank you. It's beautiful."

I said, kissing him.

"You're welcome. I love you."

"I love you too."

I said with a smile.

"Hey, Bay?"

I heard Finn ask as I turned around.


"This is for you."

Finn said, handing me a package. I opened it up and found the frame that I told Sasha and Finn I was pregnant with when I was pregnant with Mia.

"You left it at the house when you left. I know how much that frame means to you so I thought I would bring it to you."

Finn said.

"Thank you. Thank you so, so, so much."

I said, tears streaming down my cheeks as I hugged Finn as tight as I could.

"You're welcome."

Finn said as I smiled.

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