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"It's just been a rough couple of months."

I said, sitting across from Finn on the bed.

"I can only imagine what hell he put you two through. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you sooner."

Finn said, caressing my cheek.

"It's not your fault. I should've spoke up and said something."

"Bayley, this isn't your fault. Do not blame yourself for this. You have no idea how tightly I wanna hold you right now."

Finn said, hugging me.

"I've missed this, Bay. You have absolutely no idea how much I've missed just holding you in my arms and how much I've just wanted to be with you."

Finn said.

"I've missed you too. I'm sorry for being such a bitch to you for all that time. God I feel like such an ass."

I said, wiping my tears.

"Hey, clean slate, remember?"


I said, biting my lip.

"I love you. So much."

"I love you too."

I said as I looked down at my hand.

"Time to take this stupid thing off."

I said, taking off my promise ring and throwing it in the trash.

"Won't need that ever again,"

I said.

"Good. Please don't ever go back to him or put yourself in harms way like that."

Finn said.

"I won't. I promise."

"Good. I'm so happy to have you and Brooke back where you belong. Aria is gonna be ecstatic. She always talks about you. I think you're her role model."

Finn said.

"That's all I ever want."

I said with a smile.

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